Fluoride Varnish with Antibacterial Agents for Dental Caries Prevention: A Short Review on Its Fabrication
Introduction: In recent years, the medical field has begun to use medicinal plant in the manufacture of modern medicines. Most of the medicinal plants used have antibacterial properties such as cinnamon, clove, betel, and holy basil. These medicinal plants could be used in the manufacture of fluoride varnish to support antibacterial properties in preventing the development of dental caries. Objective: This study aimed to provide update review of medicinal plant used as antibacterial agent in the fabrication of fluoride varnish to prevent dental caries. Method: Data collection were carried out by searching the literature on article search sites, namely PubMed and Scopus which were published from 2017 to 2022. Data searches were carried out systematically using the keywords fluoride varnish, dental caries, antibacterial, and fabrication. The author performs data search, data selection, and data extraction. Results: Only nine articles were found after a thorough selection process and database search using search terms and keywords. Seven of the studies were in vitro study and two was randomized clinical trial (RCT). In the overall fluoride varnish efficacy study, adding medicinal plant as an antibacterial agent showed strong antibacterial action against S. mutans with great bacterial inhibition zone. Together with its constituent parts, the fabricating method, such as the temperature and stirring rate, influence the optimal result of fluoride varnish. Conclusion: The addition of medicinal plants and method modification in the fabrication of fluoride varnish showed potential antibacterial properties that enhance higher fluoride release.
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Almeida RSR, Taccini MM, de Moura LF, Ceribelli UL, Brito JO, Gloria EM. Potential of Pyroligneous Extract of Eucalyptus Wood as a Preservative of Cosmetic and Sanitizing Products. Waste Biomass Valorization. 2019;10(5):1111-1118.
Nugraha PY, Astuti ESY, Tunggadewi NPTN. Effectiveness of cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract against Streptococcus mutans in children’s dental caries. Makassar Dental Journal. 2021;10(2):163-170.
Pieri FA, Souza MC de C, Vermelho LLR, et al. Use of β-caryophyllene to combat bacterial dental plaque formation in dogs. BMC Vet Res. 2016;12(1).
Tobouti PL, de Andrade Martins TC, Pereira TJ, Mussi MCM. Antimicrobial activity of copaiba oil: A review and a call for further research. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2017;94:93-99.
Bae JM, Son JL. Composition Of Materials Containing Fluoride Varnish And Antibacterial Agents For Prevention And Treatment Of Dental Caries. Published online 2018.
Xue Y, Wang X, Cui Z. The effects of particle size on the kinetic parameters in the reaction of nano-NiO with sodium bisulfate solution. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism. 2011;36(4):329-341.
Atkins P, Paula de J. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 9th ed. Oxford University Press; 2010.
Baik A, Alamoudi N, El-Housseiny A, Altuwirqi A. Fluoride varnishes for preventing occlusal dental caries: A review. Dent J (Basel). 2021;9(6).
Alviora SL, Eriwati YK, Hermansyah H. Antibacterial effects of flouride varnish containing Ocinum sanctum and Graptophyllum pictum L. griff leaves extracts against Streptococcus mutans. AIP Conf Proc. 2022;2537(1):1-6.
Gabriella M, Eriwati YK, Hermansyah H. Growth inhibition of Streptococcus mutans by fluoride varnish containing Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Piper crocatum leaves extracts. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2022;910:17-23.
Geraldine K, Putriani D, Eriwati Y, Hermansyah H. Modification of fast release fluoride varnish by addition of plant-based extracts as antibacterial agents. AIP Conf Proc. 2021;2344(1):1-5.
Göstemeyer G, Woike H, Paris S, Schwendicke F, Schlafer S. Root caries preventive effect of varnishes containing fluoride or fluoride + chlorhexidine/cetylpyridinium chloride in vitro. Microorganisms. 2021;9(4):737-750.
Sihra R, Schroth RJ, Bertone M, et al. The Effectiveness of Silver Diamine Fluoride and Fluoride Varnish in Arresting Caries in Young Children and Associated Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. J Can Dent Assoc (Tor). 2020;86:1-9.
Pereira JN, Oliveira TB. Adverse Effects of Using 0.12% Chlorhexidine Digluconate: A Literature Review. Modern Research in Dentistry. 2020;5(2):470-472.
Patel J, Anthonappa RP, King NM. Evaluation of the staining potential of silver diamine fluoride: In vitro. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2018;28(5):514-522.
Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. The BMJ. 2021;372.
Sankeshwari R, Ankola A, Bhat K, Bolmal U, Rao M. Evaluation of Physical Parameters of Novel Licorice Varnish Versus Fluoride and Combination Varnish: An In-Vitro Study. Acta Med Acad. 2018;47(2):176-185.
Elgamily H, Safy R, Makharita R. Influence of medicinal plant extracts on the growth of oral pathogens streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus acidophilus: An in-vitro study. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019;7(14):2328-2334.
Valadas LAR, Gurgel MF, Mororó JM, et al. Dose-response evaluation of a copaiba-containing varnish against streptococcus mutans in vivo. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 2019;27(3):363-367.
Son JL, Kim AJ, Oh S, Bae JM. Inhibitory effects on streptococcus mutans of antibacterial agents mixed with experimental fluoride varnish. Dent Mater J. 2020;39(4):690-695.
Rocha Valadas LA, Dantas Lobo PL, da Cruz Fonseca SG, et al. Clinical and antimicrobial evaluation of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. dental varnish in children: A clinical study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2021;2021.
de Souza JLS, Alves T, Camerini L, Nedel F, Campos AD, Lund RG. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic capacity of pyroligneous extracts films of Eucalyptus grandis and chitosan for oral applications. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1).
Almeida RSR, Taccini MM, de Moura LF, Ceribelli UL, Brito JO, Gloria EM. Potential of Pyroligneous Extract of Eucalyptus Wood as a Preservative of Cosmetic and Sanitizing Products. Waste Biomass Valorization. 2019;10(5):1111-1118.
Nugraha PY, Astuti ESY, Tunggadewi NPTN. Effectiveness of cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract against Streptococcus mutans in children’s dental caries. Makassar Dental Journal. 2021;10(2):163-170.
Pieri FA, Souza MC de C, Vermelho LLR, et al. Use of β-caryophyllene to combat bacterial dental plaque formation in dogs. BMC Vet Res. 2016;12(1).
Tobouti PL, de Andrade Martins TC, Pereira TJ, Mussi MCM. Antimicrobial activity of copaiba oil: A review and a call for further research. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2017;94:93-99.
Bae JM, Son JL. Composition Of Materials Containing Fluoride Varnish And Antibacterial Agents For Prevention And Treatment Of Dental Caries. Published online 2018.
Xue Y, Wang X, Cui Z. The effects of particle size on the kinetic parameters in the reaction of nano-NiO with sodium bisulfate solution. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism. 2011;36(4):329-341.
Atkins P, Paula de J. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 9th ed. Oxford University Press; 2010.
Baik A, Alamoudi N, El-Housseiny A, Altuwirqi A. Fluoride varnishes for preventing occlusal dental caries: A review. Dent J (Basel). 2021;9(6).
How to Cite
CENDIKIAWAN, Reagan; ERIWATI, Yosi Kusuma.
Fluoride Varnish with Antibacterial Agents for Dental Caries Prevention: A Short Review on Its Fabrication.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 125-129, dec. 2023.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <http://jurnal.pdgi.or.id/index.php/jida/article/view/1044>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
doi: https://doi.org/10.32793/jida.v6i3.1044.
Review Article

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