The Prosthodontics Care For Geriatric Patients Nowadays
The global geriatric (elderly) population is growing as a result of increasing life expectancies. One impact of this development is an increase of lifestyle difference. In the scope of health, especially dental health, the patient’s education is important. The decrease in edentulism cases showsed public awareness of the importance in maintaining the health, function and quality of life in the elderly as well as the necessity of preventive attitudes and interventions against disease. Dental services for geriatric patients are affected by the cost of dental services, dental insurance, dental clinics’ access, debt and needs. The current prosthodontic treatment that improve of missing tooth replacements is in demand is an increasing interest in dental implant treatment. Losing tooth has a negative impact on mastication, aesthetic- and oral health-related quality of life. Excessive bone resorption can occur for many reasons, including age, infection, trauma, metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies. The resorption of the alveolar bone, especially in medically compromised patients, is caused by focal infections in the mouth and systemic diseases. Periodontitis or other chronic infections resulted from bacterial and host inflammatory cells. The pathology observation can result in a loss of bone support after a long period of extraction procedures is named residual ridge resorption (RRR). The best treatment for RRR is to avoid tooth extraction so that the loss of teeth and their supportive tissues can be prevented. When there is a loss of teeth and RRR, dentures have been made to reduce the occlusal load are necessary. In addition, the importance of periodic control, utilizing vitamins, oral rinse, topical gels or others, and the intake of nutrients greatly affect the good function of dentures and improve the health of the geriatric patient.
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Hajishengallis G. Periodontitis: from microbial immune subversion to systemic inflammation. Nat Rev Nat Immunol. 2015;15(1):30-44.
Greenberg MS, Glick M. Burket’s oral medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed. Ontario: BC Decker Inc; 2003.
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Darmojo BR. Teori proses menua. In: Darmono BR, Martono HH. Buku ajar geriatri. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. 1999. p. 3–13
Papas AS, Niessen LC, Chauncey HH. Geriatric dentistry: aging and oral health [Internet]. 1st ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby Year Book; 1991.
Oktaria I. Beberapa solusi untuk mengurangi masalah-masalah di rongga mulut pada pasien lanjut usia (lansia). In: Turana Y, editor. Pendekatan khusus dalam menangani permasalahan medis pada lansia. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya; 2015.
Greenberg MS, Glick M. Burket’s oral medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker Inc; 2003.
Little J, Miller C, Rhodus N. Little and Falace's dental management of the medically compromised patient. 7th ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby (Elsevier); 2003.
Partida MN. Geriatric prosthodontic care. Dent Clin North Am. 2014;58(1):103–12.
Nazan S, Buket K. Evaluation of nutritional status of elderly patients presenting to the family health center. Pak J Med Sci. 2018;34(2):446–51.
Saeed J, Kitaura H, Kimura K, Ishida M, Sugisawa H, Ochi Y, et al. IL-37 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced osteoclast formation and bone resorption in vivo. Immunol Lett. 2016;175:8–15.
Hienz SA, Paliwal S, Ivanovski S. Mechanisms of bone resorption in periodontitis. J Immunol Res. 2015;2015:615486.
Zarb G, Hobkirk J, Eckert S, Jacob R. Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients. 13th ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby (Elsevier); 2012.
Radjabova V, Mastroeni P, Skjødt K, Zaccone P, de Bono B, Goodall JC, et al. TARM1 is a novel leukocyte receptor complex-encoded ITAM receptor that costimulates proinflammatory cytokine secretion by macrophages and neutrophils. J Immunol. 2015 Oct 1;195(7):3149–59.
Newman M, Takei H, Klokkevold P, Carranza F. Newman and Carranza’s clinical periodontology. 13th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Elsevier; 2018.
Bone resorption [Internet]. [cited 2019 Mar 12]. Available from: learn/conditions/bone-resorption/
Tedyasihto B. Buku ajar implantologi mulut: teori & praktik. Jakarta: EGC; 2002.
Misch C. Contemporary implant dentistry. 3rd ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby (Elsevier); 2007.
Basker R, Davenport J, Tomlin R. Perawatan prostodontik bagi pasien tak bergigi. 3rd ed. Jakarta: EGC; 1996.
Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology. 12th ed. St. Louis (MO): Elesevier Saunders; 2014.
Hajishengallis G. Periodontitis: from microbial immune subversion to systemic inflammation. Nat Rev Nat Immunol. 2015;15(1):30-44.
Greenberg MS, Glick M. Burket’s oral medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed. Ontario: BC Decker Inc; 2003.
How to Cite
OKTARIA, Indriani; SHEN, Robert.
The Prosthodontics Care For Geriatric Patients Nowadays.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 43-48, apr. 2019.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Review Article

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