The Effect of Red Beetroot Juice (Beta vulgaris, sp.) on the Tooth Color
Introduction: Tooth discoloration is one of the problems and the reason why people begin to notice the appearance of their teeth. Phenolic compounds are often found in foods and beverages, one of them is red beetroot juice that cause discoloration on the tooth surface. The acidity of red beetroot juice is a factor of color changes on the tooth surface extrinsicly.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the effect of red beetroot juice on color changes of tooth surface.
Methods: This experimental laboratory research conducted pretest and posttest. Twenty maxillary premolar samples within inclusion criteria were stored in the artificial saliva at 37oC and treated for 30 minutes using 50 mL red beetroot juice, followed by immersion in artificial saliva overnight. Treatment was repeated 7 times for 7 days consecutively. The teeth was tested by using Vita Easyshade V before and after treatment and then the acquired data was statistical tested using paired T-test.
Result: T-test showed variable E, C and H with p=0.000 (p<0.05) showed a significant changes in total color deviation, chroma and hue, while the variable of L with p=0.015 (p>0.05) meant no significant change of value.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that red beetroot juice (Beta vulgaris, sp) can affect color changes on the tooth surface.
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Gehrke P, Riekeberg U, Fackler O, Dhom G. Comparison of in vivo visual, spectrophotometric and colorimetric shade determination of teeth and implant-supported crowns. Int J Comput Dent. 2009;12(3):247-63.
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Anam C, Andriani MAM, Abdilah A. Pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi bahan pengikat terhadap karakteristik fisik serta analisa aktivitas antioksidan tablet effervescent dari ekstrak buah beet (Beta vulgaris). Jurnal Teknosains Pangan. 2013:2(2):39-44.
Patel DN, Kerr AR. Tooth discoloration treatment and management. Medscape. 2015
Wijayadharma A. Pengaruh konsumsi teh hijau dan teh hitam kemasan celup terhadap pewarnaan pada permukaan gigi [Skripsi]. Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti.
Prasetyo EA. Keasaman minuman ringan menurunkan kekerasan permukaan gigi. Surabaya: Maj Ked Gigi. 2005;38(2):60-3.
Rohdiana D. Aktivitas daya tangkap radikal polifenol dalam daun teh. Majalah Jurnal Indonesia. 2001;12, 53-8.
Windono T, Soediman S, Yudawati U, Ermawati E, Srielita, Erowati TI. Uji peredam radikal bebas terhadap 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dari ekstrak kulit buah dan biji anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) Probolinggo biru dan Bali. Artocarpus. 2001;1, 34-43
Halliwell B, Murcia MA , Chirico S, Aruoma OI. Free radicals and antioxidants in food and in vivo: what they do and how they work. London: Taylor and Francis Online. 2009, 7-20.
Georgiev VG, dkk. Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of betalain extracts from intact plants and hairy root cultures of the red beetroot Beta vulgaris cv. Detroit dark red. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 2010;65 (2), 105–11.
Zielinska-Przyjemska M, Olejnik A, Dobrowolska-Zachwieja A, Grajek W. In vitro effects of beetroot juice and chips on oxidative metabolism and apoptosis in neutrophils from obese individuals. Phytotherapy Research. 2009;23 (1), 49–55
Wilkins EM. Dental stains and discoloration in: Clinical practice of the dental hygienist, edisi 10. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2009; 285-9
Gorlin RJ, Goldman HM. Environmental pathology of the teeth in: Thoma’s oral pathology. 6th ed.Vol. I, , St. Louis:CV Mosby Co; 2011 pp. 184-92
Jacobs MB. The chemical analysis of foods and food products. New York: Robert E Krieger Publishing; 2013. p. 140
Joiner A, dkk. Adsorption from black tea and red wine onto in vitro salivary pellicles studied by ellipsometry. European Journal of Oral Sciences. 2003;111:4 17–22.
Proctor GB, dkk. Salivary proteins interact with dietary constituents to modulate tooth staining. Journal of Dental Research 2005;84:7 3–8.
Azer SS, Hague AL, Johnston WM. Effect of pH on tooth discoloration from food colorant in vitro. J Dent. 2010;38 Suppl 2:e106-9.
Attia GY, Moussa MEM, Sheashea ER. Characterization of red pigments extracted from red beet (Beta vulgaris, sp.) and its potential uses as antioxidant and natural food colorants. Egypt: J. Agric. Res.; 2013. 91(3)
Vita Easyshade. [Diakses pada tanggal 21 Juli 2017] Tersedia di: _GG2G50G200_en.html
Pirolo R, Mondeli RFL, dkk. Effect of coffee and a cola-based soft drink on the color stability of bleached bovine incisors considering the time elapsed after bleaching. Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2014;22(6):534-540.
Fontes ST, dkk. Color stability of a nanofill composite: effect of different immersion. Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2009;17(5):388-391.
Pantone x-rite. A guide to understanding color. Pantone. 2016; 19-21 [diakses pada tanggal 18 Desember 2017] Tersedia dari URL
Poggio C, Vialba L, Berardengo A, Federico R, Colombo M, Beltrami R, et al. Color stability of new esthetic restorative materials: a spectrophotometric analysis. J Funct Biomater. 2017;8(3):1-8.
Gehrke P, Riekeberg U, Fackler O, Dhom G. Comparison of in vivo visual, spectrophotometric and colorimetric shade determination of teeth and implant-supported crowns. Int J Comput Dent. 2009;12(3):247-63.
Prasetyo EA. Keasaman minuman ringan menurunkan kekerasan permukaan gigi. Maj Ked Gigi. 2005;38(2):60-3.
Dahl JE, Pallesen U. Tooth bleaching--a critical review of the biological aspects. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 2003;14(4):292-304.
Patel DN, Kerr AR. Tooth discoloration clinical presentation. Medscape; 2015.
Ananda L. Karakteristik fisikokimia serbuk bit merah (Beta vulgaris L.) yang diproses dengan variasi drying agents dan maltrodekstrin sebagai coating agent. Semarang: Unika Soegijapranata; 2008.
Anam C, Andriani MAM, Abdilah A. Pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi bahan pengikat terhadap karakteristik fisik serta analisa aktivitas antioksidan tablet effervescent dari ekstrak buah beet (Beta vulgaris). Jurnal Teknosains Pangan. 2013:2(2):39-44.
Patel DN, Kerr AR. Tooth discoloration treatment and management. Medscape. 2015
Wijayadharma A. Pengaruh konsumsi teh hijau dan teh hitam kemasan celup terhadap pewarnaan pada permukaan gigi [Skripsi]. Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti.
Prasetyo EA. Keasaman minuman ringan menurunkan kekerasan permukaan gigi. Surabaya: Maj Ked Gigi. 2005;38(2):60-3.
How to Cite
WULANSARI, Selviana; CRISTANDY, Gabriela Lintang; SUWARTINI, Tien.
The Effect of Red Beetroot Juice (Beta vulgaris, sp.) on the Tooth Color.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 35-41, apr. 2019.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Research Article

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