The Effect Ant-Nest Plant (Myrmecodia pendans) Extract on Streptococcus sanguinis and Treponema denticola Biofilms
Introduction: Ant-nest plant (Myrmecodia pendans) contains triterpenoid, flavonoid, saponin and tannin that acts as antibacterial substance. Objectives: This study’s aim was to analyze the effect of Myrmecodia pendans extract effect towards biofilm of Streptococcus sanguinis and Treponema denticola. Methods: Ant-nest plant was extracted using maceration technique. The obtained extract was diluted into five different concentrations using phosphate buffer saline (PBS). S. sanguinis and T. denticola ATCC 35405 were cultured in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth, 48h, 37°C, anaerobic atmosphere and distributed into four 96 well-plate for 24h to form biofilm. Subsequently, the extract was distributed into the well that contained the mono-species and multispecies biofilm and then incubated for 1h, 3h, 6h and 24h. Chlorhexidine (0.2%) was used as positive control and BHI broth was used as negative control. The biofilm was stained using crystal-violet and measured by microplate reader with a wavelength of 490 nm. Data were statistically analyze using one-way ANOVA test and Post Hoc LSD test which p < 0,05 was set as significant difference. Result: The most effective concentrations to reduce mono-species biofilm were 100% in 1h incubation period for S. sanguinis (OD = 1,403 ± 0,019) and 24h for T. denticola (OD = 1,012 ± 0,037) and multispecies biofilm (OD = 0,984 ± 0,001) compared to negative control. Statistical analysis showed that ant-nest plant extract significantly reduced S. sanguinis, T. denticola and multispecies biofilm mass compared to negative control (p < 0,05). Conclusion: The ant-nest plant extract has inhibitory effects against S. sanguinis and T. denticola biofilm and it may be used as alternative for dental therapy. Future studies are needed to evaluate the potential of ant-nest plant extract in multispecies composed of other oral bacteria.References
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Wei Q, Ma LZ. Biofilm matrix and its regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Int J Mol Sci. 2013;14:20983–21005.
Seneviratne CJ, Zhang CF, Samaranayake LP. Dental plaque biofilm in oral health and disease. Chin J Dent Res Off J Sci Sect Chin Stomatol Assoc CSA. 2011;14:87–94.
Liu J, Stone VN, Ge X, Tang M, Elrami F, Xu P. TetR family regulator brpT modulates biofilm formation in Streptococcus sanguinis. PLOS ONE. 2017;12:e0169301.
Xu P, Alves JM, Kitten T, Brown A, Chen Z, Ozaki LS, et al. Genome of the opportunistic pathogen Streptococcus sanguinis. J Bacteriol. 2007;189: 3166–75.
Dashper SG, Seers CA, Tan KH, Reynolds EC. Virulence factors of the oral spirochete Treponema denticola. J Dent Res. 2011;90:691–703.
Chukkapalli SS, Rivera MF, Velsko IM, Lee JY, Chen H, Zheng D, et al. Invasion of oral and aortic tissues by oral spirochete Treponema denticola in ApoE−/− mice causally links periodontal disease and atherosclerosis. Infect Immun. 2014;82:1959–1967.
Kala BS, Gunjan C, Disha N, Shobha P. Treatment of periodontal disease – A herbal approach. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res.2015;33(2):126-36.
Liliany D, Widyarman AS, Erfan E, Sudiono J, Djamil MS. Enzymatic activity of bromelain isolated pineapple (Ananas comosus) hump and Its antibacterial effect on Enterococcus faecalis. Sci Dent J. 2018;2(2):39–50.
Widyarman AS, Widjaja SB, Idrus E. Strawberry extract’s effects on Enterococcus faecalis and Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms in vitro. Sci Dent J. 2017;1(1):1–5.
Hernawati S, Rantam FA, Sudiana IK, Rahayu RP. Efek ekstrak buah delima (Punica Granatum L) terhadap ekspresi wild p53 pada sel ganas rongga mulut mencit strain Swiss Webster. Dent J Maj Kedokt Gigi. 2013;46:148–51.
Gartika M, Pramesti HT, Kurnia D, Satari MH. A terpenoid isolated from sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans) bulb and its potential for the inhibition and eradication of Streptococcus mutans biofilm. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018;18:151.
Kuswandani F, Satari MH, Maskoen AM. Antimicrobial Effifficacy of Myrmecodia pendens Extract and Fraction Combination against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212. J. Dent Indonesia 2019; 26(3); 119-25
Sarkar J, McHardy IH, Simanian EJ, Shi W, Lux R. Transcriptional responses of Treponema denticola to other oral bacterial species. PLoS One. 2014; 9:e88361.
Azmir J, Zaidul ISM, Rahman MM, Sharif KM, Mohamed A, Sahena F, et al. Techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials: A review. J Food Eng. 2013;117: 426–36.
Efendi YN, Hertiani T. Antimicrobial potency of ant-plant extract (Myrmecodia tuberosa jack.) against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Maj Obat Tradis Tradit Med J. 2015;18:53–8.
Engida AM, Kasim NS, Tsigie YA, Ismadji S, Lien HH, Yi-Hsu J. Extraction, identification and quantitative HPLC analysis of flavonoids from sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendan). Ind Crops Prod. 2013;41:392–6.
Kurnia D, Apriyanti E, Soraya C, Satari MH. Antibacterial Flavonoids Against Oral Bacteria of Enterococcus Faecalis ATCC 29212 from Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendans) and Its Inhibitor Activity Against Enzyme MurA.2019;16(3):290-296
Chandki R, Banthia P, Banthia R. Biofilms: A microbial home. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2011; 15:111–4.
Nazzaro F, Fratianni F, De Martino L, Coppola R, De Feo V. Effect of essential oils on pathogenic bacteria. Pharmaceuticals. 2013; 6:1451–74.
Widyarman AS, Sumadi S, Agustin TP. Antibiofilm Effect of Clitoria ternatea Flower Juice on Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro. J Indones Dent Assoc. 2018; 1(1): 7-12.
Radita DC, Widyarman AS. Mahkota Dewa (God’s Crown) Fruit Extract Inhibits the Formation of Periodontal Pathogen Biofilms in vitro. J Indones Dent Assoc . 2019; 2(2): 57-62.
Slobodníková L, Fialová S, Rendeková K, Kováč J, Mučaji P. Antibiofilm activity of plant polyphenols. Mol Basel Switz. 2016;21(12):E1717.
Silva LN, Zimmer KR, Macedo AJ, Trentin DS. Plant natural products targeting bacterial virulence factors. Chem Rev. 2016; 116:9162–236.
How to Cite
SOVIATI, Nely; WIDYARMAN, Armelia Sari; BINARTHA, Ciptadhi Tri Oka.
The Effect Ant-Nest Plant (Myrmecodia pendans) Extract on Streptococcus sanguinis and Treponema denticola Biofilms.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 11-15, feb. 2020.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.
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