Patient Satisfaction with the National Health Insurance Scheme Dental Service in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara
Introduction: Patients with government insurance such as National Health Insurance Scheme (BPJS) use capitation system with low dental services payment. Patients should be treated professionally without considering payment system whether government or private insurance. Objective: The aim of this study is to know the satisfaction of the patients who visited dental treatment in BPJS facilities. Method: Data collected using structured questionnaire from Bhayangkara, W.Z Yohanes General Hospital, Public Health center in Kupang Kota and Pasir Panjang from June 1st – October 31st 2018. There were 46 samples from each hospital and 45 from each public health center. The study variables were patient satisfaction with dental health service accessibility, communication between patient, dentist, and staff, and safety and technology during the dental treatment. Result: Patients aged between 20 and 45 years old were the most common users of dental health services (59%). Patients with BPJS and Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS) insurance who paid by government were the most common patients to visit a dental health service facility (83.1%). Easy access to see the dentist was highly satisfying for 83.1% of the respondents. The BPJS patients were satisfied with the results of dental treatment (68.3%) and, concerning communication, 71.6% of the patients were satisfied with the dentist’s friendliness. Patients were quite satisfied with the ease of contacting the dentist (89.1%). Regarding instrument sterilization, 26.2% of the respondents were quite satisfied. On communication related to the dental treatment procedure, 23.5% of the respondents were quite satisfied. Regarding the technology in dental treatment, 30.6% of the respondents were quite satisfied. Conclusion: BPJS patients were satisfied with dental health services which most of them had a low educational background, were female, worked as a private employee or homemaker and were patients with governmental aid.References
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2. Alshahrani A, Raheel S. Health-care System and Accessibility of Dental Services in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Update. J Int Oral Heal. 2016;8(8):883–7.
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5. Ak M, Medicaid D, States U, Dent C, Epidemiol O, Authors T, et al. Does Medicaid improve utilization of medical and dental services and health outcomes for Medicaid-eligible children in the United States ? 2007;263–71.
6. Dailyexpress. Shorter wait for govt dental appointments [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2018 Apr 13]. Available from:
7. Govoni M, Admin- H. Creating a culture of safety in dental practice settings. 2018;(January).
8. Inglehart MR, Lee AH, Koltuniak KG, Morton TA, Wheaton JM. Do Waiting Times in Dental Offices Affect Patient Satisfaction and Evaluations of Patient-Provider Relationships? A Quasi-experimental Study. J Dent Hyg JDH. 2016;90(3):203–11.
9. H A. PDGI Sulselbar Tolak Kapitasi senilai Rp. 2 ribu dari BPJS Kesehatan [Internet]. Available from:
10. Conrad D, Lee R, Milgrom P, Determinants HC. Determinants of general dentists ’ decisions to accept capitation payment : a conceptual model and empirical estimates. 2009;(1):189–98.
11. Tuominen R, Eriksson A-L. Patient experiences during waiting time for dental treatment. Acta Odontol Scand. 2012;70:21–6.
12. Zavras D, Economou C, Kyriopoulos J. Factors influencing dental utilisation in Greece. Community Dent Health. 2004;21(2):181–8.
13. Shrestha A, Doshi D, Rao A, Sequeira P. Patient satisfaction at rural outreach dental camps - a one year report. Rural Remote Health. 2008;8(3):891.
14. Bailey E, Tickle M, Campbell S. Patient safety in primary care dentistry : where are we now ? Nat Publ Gr. 2014;217(7):339–44.
15. Bailey E. Contemporary views of dental practitioners’ on patient safety. Nat Publ Gr. 2015;219(11):535–40.
16. Guo Y, Logan HL, Dodd VJ, Muller KE, Marks JG, Iii JLR. Health Literacy : A Pathway to Better Oral Health. 2014;104(7):85–92.
17. Zande MM Van Der, Gorter RC, Wismeijer D. Dental practitioners and a digital future : an initial exploration of barriers and incentives to adopting digital technologies. Nat Publ Gr. 2013;215(11):1–5.
`18. Story F, Action IIN, Evangelist T. Integrating new technologies and skills in your practice. 2017;(July).
How to Cite
Patient Satisfaction with the National Health Insurance Scheme Dental Service in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 75-80, oct. 2019.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Research Article

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