The Effect of Horizontal Tooth Brushing Methods to The Surface Roughness of NCR, GIC, and RMGIC in Class V Cavities
Introduction: Class V cavity can occur due to horizontal tooth brushing methods. Horizontal brushing and abrasive materials on toothpaste allegedly cause surface roughness in the restorative material. Surface roughness causes the retention of plaque and discoloration that will ultimately affect the aesthetic and durability of the restoration. Glass ionomer cement (GIC), resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), and nanofiller composite resin (NCR) are aesthetic restorative materials usually applied to restore the the class V cavity.
Objective: To determine the surface roughness of Glass ionomer cement (GIC), resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), and nanofiller composite resin (NCR) after brushing with horizontal methods.
Methods: This study used a pre and post test control group design. There were three groups, each consisted of 6 samples of bovine’s teeth that was class V prepared and restored. Group 1 NCR, group 2 GIC, and group 3 RMGIC. Each group was brushed with horizontal methods as many as 5,110 movements. The measurements of surface roughness were taken before and after the samples were brushed with surface roughnes tester. Data were statistically analyzed using one way Anova.
Result: There were an increase in the surface roughness of each group after brushing. The result showed that the value of surface roughness are as follows GIC > RMGIC > NCR. There were also significant differences among the value of surface roughness in each group.
Conclusion: The smallest increase of surface roughness after brushing shows that of nanofiller composite resin, followed by resin-modified glass ionomer cement, and glass ionomer cement.
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Carvalho FG, Sampaio CS, Fucio SB, Carlo HL, Correr-Sobrinho L, Puppin-Rontani RM. Effect of chemical and mechanical degradation on surface roughness of three glass ionomers and a nanofilled resin composite. Oper Dent. 2012;37(5):509-17.
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Kalangie PB. Gambaran abrasi gigi ditinjau dari metode menyikat gigi pada masyarakat di Lingkungan II Kelurahan Maasing Kecamatan Tuminting Kota Manado. Pharmacon. 2016;5(2):50-59.
Scheid RC, Weiss G. Woelfel: Anatomi gigi. Jakarta: EGC;2014. pp. 332-35.
Hasija M, Wadhwa D, Miglani S, Meena B, Ansari I, Kohli S. Analysis and comparison of stress distribution in class V restoration with different restorative materials using finite element analysis. Endodontology. 2014;26(2):301-4.
Lengkey CH, Mariati NW, Pangemanan DH. Gambaran penggunaan bahan tumpatan di poliklinik gigi Puskesmas Kota Bitung tahun 2014. e-GiGi. 2015;3(2):1-6.
Sakaguchi RL, Powers JM. Craig's restorative dental materials. 13th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2012. pp. 166-9.
Velo MMDAC, Coelho LVBF, Basting RT, Amaral FLBD, Franca FMG. Longevity of restorations in direct composite resin: Literature review. Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2016;64(3):320-6.
Anusavice KJ, Rawls R, Shen C. Phillip’s science of dental materials. 12th ed. Missouri: Saunders; 2013. pp. 277-304.
Permatasari AP, Nahzi MY, Widodo W. Kekasaran permukaan resin-modified glass ionomer cement setelah perendaman dalam air sungai (penelitian menggunakan air sungai Desa Anjir Pasar, Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan). Dentino. 2016;1(2):57-61.
Rizzante FA, Cunali RS, Bombonatti JF, Correr GM, Gonzaga CC, Furuse AY. Indications and restorative techniques for glass ionomer cement. Rev Sul Bras Odontol. 2016;12(1):79-87.
Kurniawati AC, Tjandrawinata R. Pengaruh perendaman infused water dan penyikatan gigi terhadap kekasaran permukaan semen ionomer kaca modifikasi resin. JMKG. 2014;3(2):67-74.
Yassen GH, Platt JA, Hara AT. Bovine teeth as substitute for human teeth in dental research: a review of literature. J Oral Sci. 2011;53(3):273-82
Pribadi N, Lunardhi CG. Kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanofiller setelah penyikatan dengan pasta gigi whitening dan non whitening. ODONTO Dent J. 2017;4(2):72-8.
Dionysopoulos D, Tolidis K, Sfeikos T, Karanasiou C, Parisi X. Evaluation of surface microhardness and abrasion resistance of two dental glass ionomer cement materials after radiant heat treatment. Adv Mater Sci Eng. 2017;2017:1-9.
Jain N, Wadkar A. Effect of nanofiller technology on surface properties of nanofilled and nanohybrid composites. Int J Dent Oral Heal. 2015;1(1):1-5.
Roselino LD, Chinelatti MA, Alandia-Román CC, Pires-de-Souza FD. Effect of brushing time and dentifrice abrasiveness on color change and surface roughness of resin composites. Braz Dent J. 2015;26(5):507-13.
Kundie F, Azhari CH, Muchtar A, Ahmad ZA. Effects of filler size on the mechanical properties of polymer-filled dental composites: A review of recent developments. J Phys Sci. 2018;29(1):141-65.
Bala O, Arisu DH, Yikilgan I, Arslan S, Gullu A. Evaluation of surface roughness and hardness of different glass ionomer cements. Eur J Dent. 2012;6(01):079-86.
Maharani N, Wibowo A, Aripin D, Fadil MR. Perbedaan nilai kekerasan permukaan semen Glass Ionomer (GIC) dan modifikasi resin s emen Glass Ionomer (RMGIC) akibat efek cairan lambung buatan secara in vitro. Padjadjaran J Dent Res Students. 2017;1(2):77-83.
Carvalho FG, Sampaio CS, Fucio SB, Carlo HL, Correr-Sobrinho L, Puppin-Rontani RM. Effect of chemical and mechanical degradation on surface roughness of three glass ionomers and a nanofilled resin composite. Oper Dent. 2012;37(5):509-17.
Widyastuti NH, Hermanegara NA. Perbedaan perubahan warna antara resin komposit konvensional, hibrid, dan nanofil setelah direndam dalam obat kumur Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0, 2%. JIKG (Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi). 2017;1(1).
Poorzandpoush K, Omrani LR, Jafarnia SH, Golkar P, Atai M. Effect of addition of nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017;9(3):e372.
How to Cite
ARBA, Khairunnisa Fadhilatul; AJU FATMAWATI, Dwi Warna; LESTARI, Sri.
The Effect of Horizontal Tooth Brushing Methods to The Surface Roughness of NCR, GIC, and RMGIC in Class V Cavities.
Journal of Indonesian Dental Association, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 35-40, apr. 2021.
ISSN 2621-6175.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Research Article

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