Vibragamator, Kombinasi Vibrator dengan Amalgamator
Vibragamator, Combination Vibrator with Amalgamator
Amalgam mixing proccess should be completely homogeneous so that the amalgam toxicity is reduced. Untreated caries will result in some disadvantage, one of which is tooth loss and should be made a substitute for denture. Making artificial teeth requires a study model. The study model was made from the manufacture of gypsum that was manipulated with water. The preparation of gypsum dough should be minimal porusity in order for the study model to be strong and scratch resistant. Model study should be strong and minimal porusity. Stagnant and homogeneous stirring results in porousity. The porosity of the gypsum dough will affect its compression. Research purpose to Produce amalgam prints that have an initial set time faster and produce gypsum prints that have better compressive strokes. The study used a total sample of 28 specimens. The specimens were divided into 2 control groups and 2 treatment groups with each group consisting of 7 specimens. Manipulation of gypsum by using Vibragamator with ratio done and vibrator. Compare compressive strength test results using autograph. Manipulation of amalagam by using the vibrator and amalgamator together with record the time of manipulation. Result, gypsum with the aid of a vibragamator has a higher level of Compressive Strength than using a vibrator. Amalgam using amalgamator has a faster initial time set compared to using vibragamator. Conclusion, prototype Vibragamator can produce stronger and harder gypsum mold but less effective in shuffling amalgam.
How to Cite
SOEKARTONO, Helal; SETIAWAN, Mochamad Bayu; SOEBAGIO, Soebagio.
Vibragamator, Kombinasi Vibrator dengan Amalgamator.
Jurnal Material Kedokteran Gigi, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 6-12, mar. 2020.
ISSN 2302-5271.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.