Kekuatan Transversal Termoplastik Nilon, dan Campuran Resin Akrilik Polimerisasi Panas dan Serat Kaca
Transversal Strength of Nylon Thermoplastic, and Mixture of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin and Glass Fiber
Heat cured acrylic resin which is often used as a base for dentures has the disadvantage of being easily broken, the use of flexible denture materials made of nylon thermoplastic has become a new innovation to increase strength. Aim this research to evaluate transversal strength between 1 wt% glass fiber added heat cured acrylic resin and nylon thermoplastic. Thirty two specimens (n=16) with size 65x10x2,5 mm were divided into 2 groups (Nylon termoplastic, and 1 wt% glass fiber added to heat cured acrylic resin). Transversal strength was tested using Torsee’s Electronic System Universal Testing Machine with a load cell of 50 kgf and a test speed of 0.1 mm / second. Statistical data analyzed with unpaired t-test. Results, transversal strength mean value of glass fiber 1 wt% added heat cured acrylic resin was 104,03±9,29 MPa, while nylon termoplastic was 313,89±27,44 MPa. There was statistically significant transversal strength difference between both of groups (p <0.05). Conclusion, It can be concluded that nylon termoplastic had higher transversal strength than 1 wt% glass fiber added heat cured acrylic resin.
How to Cite
SYAFIAR, Lasminda; HARAHAP, Sefty Aryani; SALIM, Richard.
Kekuatan Transversal Termoplastik Nilon, dan Campuran Resin Akrilik Polimerisasi Panas dan Serat Kaca.
Jurnal Material Kedokteran Gigi, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 24-28, mar. 2020.
ISSN 2302-5271.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.