Article Structure

Recommendation for the modification of diagnostic methods, treatment methods, and treatment skill that are considered established in all fields of dentistry as well as reports of a rare case, unexpected complications or unexpected development of disease may fall in this category.  Manuscript should be arranged in following order:  Title page Main manuscript which include (title, abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment, references, tables (if any, each including a title and legend). Main manuscript does not contain any information about the authors. The prescribed word count is up to 1500-2000 words including Abstract, Tables, References. The manuscript may have about 20 references. Reference Book and a chapter in an edited book maximum 10% from all references. The abstract may not exceed 250 words, abstract should be arranged as follow: objective, methods, results, and conclusion.  Tables - Tables should be double-spaced on separate pages and included at the end of the text document with the table number and title indicated. Tables should be created using Word (do not use insert table function), use tabs and/or spaces to create tables, columns, or rows. Tables with internal divisions (Tables 1A and B) should be submitted as individual tables, i.e., Tables 1 and 2. Symbols for units should be confined to column headings. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and defined in the table legend. Please avoid the use of shading. If a table includes data that require explanation in the legend, apply the following symbol sequence, from top to bottom, left to right: *, †, ffi, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, ffiffi, etc.  If tables are taken from other sources, it should be noted in the legend and the author must be able to provide written permission for reproduction obtained from the original publisher and author.  Figures - Jurnal PDGI uses digital publishing methods throughout the journal production process. If your article is accepted, it will be published online. The following sections provide information on how to format your figures to ensure the best possible reproduction of your images.  Size - Figures should be produced at the size they are to appear in the printed journal. Please make sure your figures will fit in one or two columns in width. Multi-paneled figures should be assembled in a layout that leaves the least amount of blank space.  Font - At 100% size, fonts should be 8 points and used consistently throughout all figures. Font type should be similar with main manuscript. Text - Information on the axes should be succinct, using abbreviations where possible, and the label on they-axis should read vertically, not horizontally. Key information should be placed in any available white space within the figure; if space is not available, the information should be placed in the legend. In general, figures with multiple parts should be marked A, B, C, etc., with a description of each panel included in the legend rather than on the figure.  Line and bar graphs - Lines in graphs should be bold enough to be easily read after reduction, as should all symbols used in the figure. Data points are best marked with the following symbols, again assuring that they will be readily distinguishable after reduction. In the figure legend, please use words rather than symbols; e.g., "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars = Hb1AC; white bars = glucose levels." Bars should be black or white only, unless more than two data sets are being presented; additional bars should be drawn with clear bold hatch marks or stripes, not shades of gray.  Line or bar graphs or flow charts with text should be created in black and white, not shades of gray which are difficult to reproduce in even tones. Reproductions - If materials (e.g., figures and/or tables) are taken from other sources, it should be noted in the legend and the author must be able to provide written permission for reproduction obtained from the original publisher and author.  Figure legends - Should be clearly numbered and included at the very end of your document and should not be included on the separate figure/image files. Please use words to describe symbols used in the figure; e.g., "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars  = Hb1AC; white bars = glucose levels."  Abbreviations  Abbreviations should be used only when necessary. e.g., temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Abbreviate units of measure only when used with numbers. Abbreviations may be used in tables and figures.  References  References should follow the standards summarized in the NLM’s  International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)  Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: References should be listed according to the Vancouver Style.   Reference to a journal publication:  Guilbert TW, Morgan WJ, Zeiger RS, et al. Long-term inhaled corticosteroids in preschool children at high risk for asthma. N Engl J Med 2006;354:1985-1997.  Reference to a book:  StrunkJr W, White EB. The elements of style. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan; 1979. p. 181-190.  Reference to a chapter in an edited book:  Mettam GR, Adams LB.How to prepare an electronic version of your article.In Jones BS, Smith RZ, editors.Introduction to the electronic age.  New York: E-Publishing Inc; 1999. p. 28-304.  More detail of references could be found at ( /bsd/uniform_requirements.html) webpage and detailed in the NLM’s Citing Medicine, 2nd edition ( We only admit journal references of articles indexed in PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, EBSCO and DOAJ.  Reference should be numbered in the order that they are cited in the text. All authors must be listed and inclusive page numbers provided. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE (  Failure to follow instructions may result in publication delays if your manuscript is accepted.