Analysis of Clinical Oral Manifestation of Patients with Antihypertensive Therapy in South Kalimantan
Background: Hypertension is generally defined as systolic and diastolic pressures of more than 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension can be treated in various ways, either by using traditional herbs or scientific treatment with medicine. Antihypertensive medicine sometimes causes some side effects such as xerostomia and gingival enlargement. Objective: The purpose of this research is to analyze the correlation between age, type of medicine, amount of medicine consumption, and duration of treatment with clinical manifestations of the oral cavity in patients with antihypertensive therapy. Materials and Method: This research is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. Data were obtained from medical records, anamnesis, and clinical oral examination. Results: The research was taken with a purposive sampling technique of 41 samples. It showed that the hypertension patients were mostly in the age of 46-55 years (53.7%), the type of medicine that mainly consumed was calcium channel blocker (34.2%), hypertension patients were found to consume only one type of medicine (75.6%), the duration of treatment was more than one year (85.4%) and the prevalence of oral manifestations presented was 70.7% with the most frequent manifestation of xerostomia (79.3%). The analysis test results showed that there was no correlation in both age and type of medicine with clinical oral manifestations (p>0.05), while there was a correlation in the amount of medicine consumption and duration of treatment with clinical oral manifestations in patients with antihypertensive therapy (p<0.05). Conclusions: There is a correlation in both the amount of medicine consumption and duration of treatment with clinical oral manifestations in patients with antihypertensive therapy.References
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3. Ariyani H, Dedi H, Anita L. Hypertension Patient Compliance After Giving Pill Cards at X Hospital Banjarmasin. JCPS 1(2), 82 (2018).
4. Situmorang PR. Factors Associated with the Incidence of Hypertension in Inpatients at Sari Mutiara General Hospital Medan in 2014. IMELDA Nursing Scientific Journal 1(1), 71-72 (2015).
5. Nabilla L. Abu B. Utmi A. Description of Saliva pH in Hypertensive Patients Taking ACE-Inhibitor Drugs at Siti Rahmah Hospital, Padang. B-Dent Journal 4(2), 96-102 (2017).
6. Wotulo FG, Pemsi MW, Aurelia SRS. Differences in Saliva Flow Rate on Antihypertensive Drug Users Amlodipine and Captopril in Tumobui Village, Kotamobagu City. e-Dental Journal 6(1), 40-43 (2018).
7. Yulanda G, Rika L. Management of Primary Hypertension. Majority 6(1), 30-31 (2017).
8. Nurhayati, Sri K, Isnati M. Expert System for Selection of Antihypertensive Drugs and Drug or Food Interactions. Scientific Journal of Medical Records and Health Informatics 6(1), 64-65 (2016).
9. Tambuwun PGJ, Pieter LS, Christy NM. Overview of Complaints in the Oral Cavity on Antihypertensive Drug Users at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic, Robert Wolter Mongisidi Hospital Level III, Manado. e-Dental Journal 3(2), 242-244 (2015).
10. Kumar P, Mastan K, Chowdhary R, Shanmugam K. Oral manifestation in hypertensive patients: A clinical study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 16(2), 215-216 (2012).
11. Apriasari ML. Oral Lichenoid Reaction in Patients Taking Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Hypertension Drugs. PDGI Journal 61(3), 88-90 (2012).
12. Saputra BR, Rahayu, Iwan SI. Profile of Hypertension Patients in Jombang Hospital Period January-December 2011. Journal of Health and Family Medicine 9(2), 117 (2013).
13. Ayuchecaria N, Siti NK, Rina F. Level of Compliance with Medication for Hypertension Patients at Pekauman Health Center Banjarmasin. Journal of Indonesian Pharmacy Personnel 1(2), 235-247 (2018).
14. Taslim T, Yani AB. Overview of Drug Administration in Hypertension Patients at Rawang Health Center. Indonesian Pharmaceutical Research Journal 2(2), 77-78 (2020).
15. Soenarta AN, Erwinanto, Mumpuni ASS, Rossana B, Antonia AL, Nani H, Antonia AL, Rarsari SP. Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension in Cardiovascular Disease (PERKI, Jakarta, 2015), p.8-14.
16. Pratiwi D. Overview of Hypertensive Patients' Knowledge of Hypertension and Antihypertensive Drugs in the ACE-Inhibitor and Diuretic Group. JOPS 1(1), 41-44 (2017).
17. Mokoginta AV. Michael AL. Damayanti HCP. Assessment of Dental Caries Risk in Users of Amlodipine Antihypertensive Drugs Based on Saliva Flow Rate. Scientific Journal of Pharmacy 5(1), 105-107 (2016).
18. Utami S, Hasanuddin T. Management of gingival enlargement in patient with calcium chanel blockers: case report. Makasar Dent J 8(2), 105-107 (2019).
19. Lewis MAO, Richard CKJ. Oral Disease Diagnosis and Therapy 2nd (EGC, Jakarta, 2015), p.176-177.
20. Ramadhani ZF, Deby KTP, Cholil. Periodontal Disease Prevalence in Smokers in the 621st Infantry Battalion/Manuntung Barabai Hulu Sungai Tengah. Dentino Journal 2(2), 116 (2014).
21. Syam S. Risnayanti A. Andi NY. Differences in gargling with Siwak (Salvadora persica) Extract Solution on Saliva Secretion of the Oral Cavity of Elderly with Hypertension (HT), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and No Systemic Diseases at Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Gowa Social Home 2017. As-Syifaa 10(1), 100-105 (2018).
22. Alamsyah RM and Chindy CN. Xerostomia in hypertensive patients at the Frequent and Sentosa Baru Health Centers, Medan. PDGI Journal 64(2), 113-114 (2015).
23. Utami S. Ngena R. Herlinawati. The Relationship between the Severity of Gingivitis and the Degree of Hypertension in the Dental Polyclinic, H. Adam Malik Central General Hospital, Medan. PANNMED Scientific Journal 10(2), 203-204 (2015).
24. Syarif A, Anggi G, Ari E, Arini S, Armen M, Azalia A, et al. Pharmacology and Therapy 5th ed (University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2016), p.347
How to Cite
APRIASARI, Maharani Laillyza; AMINUDIN, Muhammad Luthfi; HAMDANI, Riky.
Analysis of Clinical Oral Manifestation of Patients with Antihypertensive Therapy in South Kalimantan.
Journal of Indonesian Oral Medicine Society, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 27-34, nov. 2023.
ISSN 3026-6688.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025.
Original Research