Welcome from Chief of Editor JIOMS

  • Maharani Laillyza Apriasari


Welcome to JIOMS!
As a Chief of Editor of the first ever official publishing reports in oral medicine and oral pathology in Indonesia, I am honored and welcome every professional in this field to contribute to JIOMS.
Firstly, I would like to thank all member of Indonesian Association of Oral Medicine Specialists for supporting this premiere issue. I am on the editorial board of several well-respected journals and these experiences may help to deliver the publishing of this well written case reports journal for Oral Medicine professionals in Indonesian. Ever developing and growing in numbers and skill, I see the profession need a well-documented reports and scientifically peer-reviewed journal. The Journal of Indonesian Oral Medicine Society may become the media for that.
It has been a good start for us that the last few years Oral Medicine as a profession has gained recognition among health professions and specially among dentists. Our profession has secured crucial position in Indonesian health system, where most Public Hospital in the country should have the specialty which also means our profession has been acknowledged by many. From a clinician point of view, this means oral medicine has been practiced outside academic settings and it becomes a challenge to deliver a good quality of care in primary health care settings. Every oral medicine clinician therefore has the opportunity to care patients in their unique situations and reported them and get published. JIOMS would be a choice for this purpose. Besides the clinical case reports, JIOMS also welcomes translational research in oral medicine and pathology that might help clinicians improve patient care.
Many supports and hard work are still needed for this journal to thrive and gained reputation. The editorial team in JIOMS would like to welcome every contribution either as authors and reviewers from professionals in oral medicine and pathology. Personally, I would certainly hope the journal to attract and publish high quality papers and nourishing the scientific atmosphere in the field.
Thank you for growing together with JIOMS.
Chief of Editor,
Prof. Dr. drg. Maharani Laillyza Apriasari, SpPM.

Author Biography

Maharani Laillyza Apriasari
Oral Medicine Department, Dental Faculty, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin
How to Cite
APRIASARI, Maharani Laillyza. Welcome from Chief of Editor JIOMS. Journal of Indonesian Oral Medicine Society, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. i, nov. 2023. ISSN 3026-6688. Available at: <http://jurnal.pdgi.or.id/index.php/jioms/article/view/1104>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.

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