Teledentistry in Oral Medicine Practice: Knowledge Among Dental Students and Dentists in Jakarta, Indonesia



Background: The utilization of teledentistry in Oral Medicine practice can overcome the limitations of oral medicine specialist and general practitioners in rural communities which aims to treat patients with geographic and economic barriers. Objectives: to investigate the knowledge level of dental students and dentists regarding teledentistry by assessing their knowledge in oral medicine practice. Methods: Using a self-administered structured questionnaire, descriptive cross-sectional study consisted of 8 items was conducted at faculty of dentistry Prof Dr Moestopo (Beragama) University for the dental students and at province of Jakarta for the dentists. Results: A total of 302 persons (210 dental students and 92 dentists) responded to the questionnaire. In the present study it was found that 30.4% of dental students and 64.1% of the dentists had a good knowledge in oral medicine. All of the dentists were without postgraduate qualification had less than 5 years of work experience (68.5%). Conclusion: The dental students had low knowledge of teledentistry in oral medicine and majority of the dentists had a good knowledge of teledentistry in oral medicine.


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How to Cite
LUGITO, Manuel Dwiyanto. Teledentistry in Oral Medicine Practice: Knowledge Among Dental Students and Dentists in Jakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Oral Medicine Society, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 19-26, nov. 2024. ISSN 3026-6688. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025. doi:
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