Variation of normal condyle shape based on gender in panoramic radiographs
Objectives: To find out information about variations in the normal shape of the condyles based on gender using panoramic radiographic observations and to find out the frequency data for variations in the normal shape of the condyles.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive observational research using 122 panoramic radiographs as secondary data. The panoramic image consisted of 61 male samples and 61 female samples. The condyles were observed by describing the condyle shapes on the right and left sides. Observation of the shape of the condyle was carried out by three observers. Then, the data were tested for reliability by using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient to equalize the perceptions of the three observers.
Results: The reliability test using ICC obtained a score > 0.9 which means very good reliability. The most commonly found condyles shape is round and there are differences in shape between the right and left condyles in both males and females.
Conclusion: The most common variation of the normal shape of the condyle found in both males and females is round on the right and left sides.
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Shaikh AH, Ahmed S, Ahmed AR, et al. Assessment of radiographic morphology of mandibular condyles: a radiographic study. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2022;81(2):481-6.
Alam MK, Ganji KK, Munisekhar MS, et al. A 3D cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) investigation of mandibular condyle morphometry: Gender determination, disparities, asymmetry assessment and relationship with mandibular size. Saudi Dent J. 2021;33(7):687-92.
Dwivedy S, Chandra S, Srivastava A, Chandra S, Shrestha P, Thakur R. A Novel Approach toward Mandibular Condyle Imaging and Quantification through Modified Reverse Panoramic Radiography for Determination of Gender. Int J Forensic Odontol. 2017;(December):38-42.
Jyothsna M, Ranjith K, Sarat G, Vajra Madhuri, Anuradha Ch. DETERMINATION OF GENDER USING CONDYLAR HEIGHT AND CORONOID HEIGHT – An Orthopantomogaphic Study. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2017;9(1):5-10.
Narla RR, Ott SM. Bones and the sex hormones. Kidney Int. 2018;94(2):239-42.
Berger M, Szalewski L, Bakalczuk M, Bakalczuk G, Bakalczuk S, Szkutnik J. Association between estrogen levels and temporomandibular disorders: A systematic literature review. Prz Menopauzalny. 2015;14(4):260-70.
Perschbacher S. Interpretation of panoramic radiographs. Published online 2012:40-5.
Ostovar Rad F, Javanshir B, Nemati S, Khaksari F, Mansoori R, Ranjzad H, et al. Evaluation of Sexual Dimorphism with Mandibular Parameters by Digital Panoramic Radiography. The Open Dentistry Journal. 2020;14:172-7.
White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation. 7th ed. Elsevier Inc; 2014.
Singh B, Kumar NR, Balan A, et al. Evaluation of normal morphology of mandibular condyle: A radiographic survey. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2020;10(1):1-16.
Widi ER. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas dalam Penelitian Epidemiologi Kedokteran Gigi. Stomatognatic (JKG Unej). 2011;8(1):27-34.
Arayapisit T, Ngamsom S, Duangthip P, et al. Understanding the mandibular condyle morphology on panoramic images: A conebeam computed tomography comparison study. Cranio - J Craniomandib Pract. 2020;00(00):1-8.
Ramadhan R, Pramanik F, Epsilawati L. Deskripsi Bentuk Kepala Kondilus Pada Pasien Kliking dan Tidak Kliking Di RSGM FKG UNPAD dengan Menggunakan Radiograf Panoramik Digital. Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students. 2019;3(2):134-40.
Sihombing I, Wangko S, Kalangi SJR. Peran Estrogen Pada Remodeling Tulang. J Biomedik. 2012;4(3):S18-28.
Tecco S, Saccucci M, Nucera R, et al. Condylar volume and surface in Caucasian young adult subjects. BMC Med Imaging. 2010;10:28.
Sitompul RGM. Prevalensi Bentuk Kondilus Pada Wanita Premenopause dan Postmenopause Ditinjau Menggunakan Radiografi Panoramik. Skripsi. Universitas Sumatera Utara; 2018.
Whaites E, Drage N. Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2020.
Lentzen MP, Riekert M, Buller J, et al. A volumetric study of mandibular condyles in orthognathic patients by semiautomatic segmentation. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021;(0123456789).
Durgha K. Condylar Morphology - A Review. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2014;13(7):57-9.
Kurnia SI, Himawan LS, Tanti I, Odang RW. Correlation between Chewing Preference and Condylar Asymmetry in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders. J Phys Conf Ser. 2018;1073(3):032014.
Triyanto R, Nugroho C. Efek mengunyah satu sisi terhadap tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Indones Oral Heal J. 2017;2(1):23.
Husada LE, Susiana S, Theresia E. Hubungan antara stres dengan gangguan sendi temporomandibula pada mahasiswa program profesi kedokteran gigi. The relationship between stress and temporomandibular joint disorders in dental profession students. Padjadjaran J Dent Res Students. 2019;3(2):129-33.
Sari DL, Yunisa F. Gambaran Kejadian Temporo Mandibular Disorder (TMD) Pada Pasien Kebiasaan Mengunyah Satu Sisi dan Dua Sisi Yang Berkunjung Di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Bulan Februari - Maret 2018. 2018;3(3):545-54.
Yalcin ED, Ararat E. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Study of Mandibular Condylar Morphology. J Craniofac Surg. 2019;30(8):2621-4.
Song J, Cheng M, Qian Y, Chu F. Cone-beam CT evaluation of temporomandibular joint in permanent dentition according to Angle’s classification. Oral Radiol. 2020;36(3):261-6.
Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Analysis of condylar morphological variations using digital panoramic radiographs-a retrospective study. Indian J Public Heal Res Dev. 2019;10(11):3450-3.
Liu Q, Wei X, Guan J, Wang R, Zou D, Yu L. Assessment of condylar morphology and position using MSCT in an Asian population. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(7):2653-61.
Shaikh AH, Ahmed S, Ahmed AR, et al. Assessment of radiographic morphology of mandibular condyles: a radiographic study. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2022;81(2):481-6.
Alam MK, Ganji KK, Munisekhar MS, et al. A 3D cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) investigation of mandibular condyle morphometry: Gender determination, disparities, asymmetry assessment and relationship with mandibular size. Saudi Dent J. 2021;33(7):687-92.
Dwivedy S, Chandra S, Srivastava A, Chandra S, Shrestha P, Thakur R. A Novel Approach toward Mandibular Condyle Imaging and Quantification through Modified Reverse Panoramic Radiography for Determination of Gender. Int J Forensic Odontol. 2017;(December):38-42.
Jyothsna M, Ranjith K, Sarat G, Vajra Madhuri, Anuradha Ch. DETERMINATION OF GENDER USING CONDYLAR HEIGHT AND CORONOID HEIGHT – An Orthopantomogaphic Study. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2017;9(1):5-10.
Narla RR, Ott SM. Bones and the sex hormones. Kidney Int. 2018;94(2):239-42.
Berger M, Szalewski L, Bakalczuk M, Bakalczuk G, Bakalczuk S, Szkutnik J. Association between estrogen levels and temporomandibular disorders: A systematic literature review. Prz Menopauzalny. 2015;14(4):260-70.
Perschbacher S. Interpretation of panoramic radiographs. Published online 2012:40-5.
Ostovar Rad F, Javanshir B, Nemati S, Khaksari F, Mansoori R, Ranjzad H, et al. Evaluation of Sexual Dimorphism with Mandibular Parameters by Digital Panoramic Radiography. The Open Dentistry Journal. 2020;14:172-7.
White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation. 7th ed. Elsevier Inc; 2014.
Singh B, Kumar NR, Balan A, et al. Evaluation of normal morphology of mandibular condyle: A radiographic survey. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2020;10(1):1-16.
Widi ER. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas dalam Penelitian Epidemiologi Kedokteran Gigi. Stomatognatic (JKG Unej). 2011;8(1):27-34.
Arayapisit T, Ngamsom S, Duangthip P, et al. Understanding the mandibular condyle morphology on panoramic images: A conebeam computed tomography comparison study. Cranio - J Craniomandib Pract. 2020;00(00):1-8.
Ramadhan R, Pramanik F, Epsilawati L. Deskripsi Bentuk Kepala Kondilus Pada Pasien Kliking dan Tidak Kliking Di RSGM FKG UNPAD dengan Menggunakan Radiograf Panoramik Digital. Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students. 2019;3(2):134-40.
Sihombing I, Wangko S, Kalangi SJR. Peran Estrogen Pada Remodeling Tulang. J Biomedik. 2012;4(3):S18-28.
Tecco S, Saccucci M, Nucera R, et al. Condylar volume and surface in Caucasian young adult subjects. BMC Med Imaging. 2010;10:28.
Sitompul RGM. Prevalensi Bentuk Kondilus Pada Wanita Premenopause dan Postmenopause Ditinjau Menggunakan Radiografi Panoramik. Skripsi. Universitas Sumatera Utara; 2018.
Whaites E, Drage N. Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2020.
Lentzen MP, Riekert M, Buller J, et al. A volumetric study of mandibular condyles in orthognathic patients by semiautomatic segmentation. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021;(0123456789).
Durgha K. Condylar Morphology - A Review. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2014;13(7):57-9.
Kurnia SI, Himawan LS, Tanti I, Odang RW. Correlation between Chewing Preference and Condylar Asymmetry in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders. J Phys Conf Ser. 2018;1073(3):032014.
Triyanto R, Nugroho C. Efek mengunyah satu sisi terhadap tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Indones Oral Heal J. 2017;2(1):23.
Husada LE, Susiana S, Theresia E. Hubungan antara stres dengan gangguan sendi temporomandibula pada mahasiswa program profesi kedokteran gigi. The relationship between stress and temporomandibular joint disorders in dental profession students. Padjadjaran J Dent Res Students. 2019;3(2):129-33.
Sari DL, Yunisa F. Gambaran Kejadian Temporo Mandibular Disorder (TMD) Pada Pasien Kebiasaan Mengunyah Satu Sisi dan Dua Sisi Yang Berkunjung Di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Bulan Februari - Maret 2018. 2018;3(3):545-54.
How to Cite
MULYANI, Sri Wigati Mardi et al.
Variation of normal condyle shape based on gender in panoramic radiographs.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 21-26, apr. 2023.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Original Research Article

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