Densitas tulang mandibula pengguna obat anti hipertensi calcium channel blocker (CCB) melalui radiograf panoramik
Objectives: The purpose of this research was to describe radiographic density of mandibular bone in calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users. Bone density in the mandible is assessed from the trabecular. Panoramic radiograph is a routine examination that is often done in dentistry that can be used to assess changes in quality in the form of changes in bone density in users of anti-hypertensive calcium channel blockersMaterial and Methods: This research is a descriptive study of 21 panoramic radiographs of calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users aged 40-75 years. Panoramic radiograph archive density checks in the distal region of the foramen mentale and the mandibular angular region using software image j, with the final result was the percentage between bone and marrow.
Results: This research showed the average radiographic density in male using calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs was 18.81% and the average radiographic density in female was 20.92%.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study found that the average radiographic density of female patients taking antihypertensive drugs calcium channel blockers was higher than male.
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Katarina Ilic´, Nevena Obradovic´, Nada Vujasinovic Stupar. The Relationship Among Hypertension, Antihypertensive Medications, and Osteoporosis: A Narrative Review. Calcif Tissue Int. Springer Science+Business Media . 2012.
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Heo MS, Park KS, Lee SS, Choi SC, Koak JY, Heo SJ, et al. Fractal analysis of mandibular bony healing after orthognathic surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002;94:763–7.
Licata A. Bone density vs bone quality: what’s a clinician to do?. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.2009,76;6:331-6.
Binar Barlian, Azhari, Farina Pramanik. Correlation between mandibular trabeculae bone density on panoramic radiograph and body mass index of men aged 5-35 years old. Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science. 2018,3;3:166-8
Dominica Dian Saraswati, Ria Noerianingsih Firman, Azhari. Analisis radiograf periapikal menggunakan software imageJ pada abses periapikal setelah perawatan endodontik. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia. 2017,3;1:29-34
Ali Thomas, Ria Noerianingsih Firman, Azhari. Analisis radiograf periapikal menggunakan software imageJ pada granuloma periapikal setelah perawatan endodontik. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia. 2017,3;2:105-10
Toppo S. Distribusi pemakaian radiografi periapikal dan radiografi panoramik pada pasien impaksi molar ketiga rahang bawah di kota Makassar. Journal Dentomaxillofacial Science. 2018,11;2:75
Çakur B, Dagistan S, Şahin A, Harorli A, Yilmaz A B. Reliability of mandibular cortical index and mandibular bone mineral density in the detection of osteoporotic women. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2009,38;5:255-61
Azhari, Diputra Y, Juliastuti E, Zainal Arifin A, Kedokteran Gigi R. Analisis citra radiografi panoramik pada tulang mandibula untuk deteksi dini osteoporosis dengan metode gray level cooccurence matrix (GLCM). MKB.2014,46;4:203-8
Alfian Riza, Susanto Yugo, Khadizah Siti. Kualitas hidup pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta di poli jantung RSUD ratu zalecha martapura. Jurnal Pharmascience. 2017, 4;1: 39 – 47
Ilic K, Obradovic N, Vujasinovic-Stupar N. The relationship among hypertension, antihypertensive medications, and osteoporosis: A narrative review. Calcif Tissue Int, 2013.
Yeler D Y, Koraltan M, Hocaoglu T P, Arslan C, Erselcan T, Yeler H. Bone quality and quantity measurement techniques in dentistry. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. 2015,19;1:73-86.
Govindraju P, Kumar TSM, Chandra P, Balaji P, Sowbhagya MB. Panoramic Radiomorphometric Indices of Mandible : Biomarker for Panoramic Radiomorphometric Indices of Mandible : Biomarker for Osteoporosis. Researchgate, 2017.
Kemal Ozgur D, Emine Şebnem K.C, Seval Bayrak, Nihat Akbulut, Cemal Atakan, Kaan Orhan. Trabecular structure designation using fractal analysis technique on panoramic radiographs of patients with bisphosphonate intake:a preliminary study. Oral Radiology. 2019. 35:23–28
Gumussoy I, Miloglu O, Cankaya E, Bayrakdar IS. Fractal properties of the trabecular pattern of the mandible in chronic renal failure. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2016;45:20150389.
Arsan B, Kose TE, Cene E, Ozcan I. Assessment of the trabecular structure of mandibular condyles in patients with temporomandibular disorders using fractal analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2017;123:382–91.
Torres SR, Chen CS, Leroux BG, Lee PP, Hollender LG, Schubert MM. Fractal dimension evaluation of cone beam computed tomography in patients with bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2011;40:501–5.
Depkes RI. Kalsifikasi umur menurut kategori. Jakarta: Ditjen Yankes. Riset kesehatan dasar. 2013. Kemenkes RI: Jakarta
Demirbas AK, Ergun S, Guneri P, Aktener BO, BoyaciogluH. Mandibular bone changes in sickle cell anemia: fractal analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008;106:e41–e8.
Katarina Ilic´, Nevena Obradovic´, Nada Vujasinovic Stupar. The Relationship Among Hypertension, Antihypertensive Medications, and Osteoporosis: A Narrative Review. Calcif Tissue Int. Springer Science+Business Media . 2012.
Arsalan Manzoor M, Nuzhat Hassan, Anwar Ahmed. Bone age assessment methods:A critical review. Pak J Med Sci 2014;30(1):211-215.
Heo MS, Park KS, Lee SS, Choi SC, Koak JY, Heo SJ, et al. Fractal analysis of mandibular bony healing after orthognathic surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002;94:763–7.
How to Cite
GUNAWAN, Gunawan; SITAM, Suhardjo; EPSILAWATI, Lusi.
Densitas tulang mandibula pengguna obat anti hipertensi calcium channel blocker (CCB) melalui radiograf panoramik.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 1-4, aug. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Original Research Article

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