Anatomi leher dan kondisi patologisnya: Pemeriksaan USG
Objectives: This study is aimed to introduce an overview of the anatomy of the neck region as well as an overview of some pathological conditions that can be seen through Ultrasound.Literature Review: There was a characteristic in the anatomy of the neck by Ultrasound. Anatomy of the neck on Ultrasound, divided into several areas with its characteristics. Ultrasound can thoroughly assess pathological conditions related to anatomy.
Conclusion: Ultrasound was a modality that can be used to see the condition of the anatomy, including the neck area. Pathological conditions were also able to be appropriately seen through Ultrasound.
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Laurel. Practice Guidline of USG. American Instituide of Ultrasonsography in Medicine. USA; 2014.
R M Evans. Practical head and nect Ultrasound. Greenwich. London; 2000
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Javanshir, K., Amiri, M., Mohseni-Bandpei, M. A., Rezasoltani, A., & Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C. (2010). Ultrasonography of the Cervical Muscles: A Critical Review of the Literature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 33(8), 630–637.
Bernard S, Richardson C, Hamann CR, Lee S, Dinh V. Head and Neck Ultrasound Education: A Multimodal Educational Approach in the Predoctoral Setting. Ultrasound Med. 2015; 34:1437–1443.
Gervasio A, Mujahed I, Biasio A, Alessi S. Ultrasound anatomy of the neck: The infrahyoid region. Journal of Ultrasound. 2010; 13(3), 85–89.
Rankin G., Stokes M, Newham D.J. Size and shape of the posterior neck muscles measured by ultrasound imaging: normal values in males and females of different ages. Manual Therapy. 2015;10(2):108–115
Şehrazat Evirgen, Kıvanç Kamburoğlu. Review on the applications of ultrasonography in dentomaxillofacial region. World J Radiol. 2016. January; 8(1): 50-58
Jigna S. Shah, Vijay K. Asrani. Clinical applications of ultrasonography in diagnosing head and neck swellings. J Oral Maxillofac Radiol. 2017;5:7-13.
Bialek EJ, Jakubowski W, Zajkowski P, Szopinski KT, Osmolski A. US of the Major Salivary Glands: Anatomy and Spatial Relationships, Pathologic Conditions, and Pitfalls. RadioGraphics. 2006; 26: 745-763.
Garcia CJ, Flores PA, Arce JD, Chuaqui B, Schwartz DS. Usltrasonography in the study of salivary gland lesions in children. Pediatr Radiol. 1998; 28: 418-425.
Gritzmann N, Rettenbacher T, Hollerweger A, Macheiner P, Hübner E. Sonography of the salivary glands. Eur Radiol. 2003; 13: 964-975.
Lerena J, Sancho MA, Cáceres F, Krauel L, Parri F, Morales L. Litiasis salival en la infancia. Cir Pediatr. 2007; 20: 101-105.
How to Cite
EPSILAWATI, Lusi; AZHARI, Azhari; SARIFAH, Norlaila.
Anatomi leher dan kondisi patologisnya: Pemeriksaan USG.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 47-54, aug. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Review Article

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