Estimasi usia prajurit TNI AL berdasarkan Tooth Coronal Index pada digital radiograf panoramik
Objectives: The purpose was to determine the estimated chronological age difference between Indonesian Navy soldiers (TNI-AL) and dental age based on the Tooth Coronal Index on panoramic digital radiographs, which are used as antemortem data for the purposes of identifying Indonesian Navy soldiers if they have an accident while on duty or on the battlefield where only tooth remains.Material and Methods: The method used was a cross-sectional observational survey with the sampling technique using purposive sampling. This study used 86 digital panoramic radiographs of Indonesian Navy soldiers who were assigned abroad from 2015-2017 at the Dental Radiology Installation of Ladokgi TNI AL R.E. Martadinata. The teeth measured were mandibular first molars with the Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) method, which is a method of estimating age based on secondary dentin deposition and tooth pulp size on dental radiographs.
Results: The results of the chronological age difference with the dental age of Indonesian Navy soldiers using the Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) method on a panoramic digital radiograph performed on mandibular first molars were an average of 6.3 years.
Conclusion: The dental age of Navy soldier is higher than chronological age.
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RavleenThomas N, Supreet J, Priyanka A, Swati P, Sumit T, S NG. Tooth Coronal Index : Key for Age Estimation on Digital Panoramic radiographs. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2018;30(1): p.64-67.
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El Morsi DA, Rezk HM, Aziza A, El-Sherbiny M. Tooth Coronal Pulp Index as a Tool for Age Estimation in Egyptian Population. J Forensic Sci Criminol. 2015;3(2): p.1-8.
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Yulianti N, Irnamanda D, Fajar KD. Perbandingan Prakiraan Usia Dari Tooth Coronal Index. 2017;I91):28-33
El Morsi DA, rezk HM, Aziza A, El-Sherbiny M. Tooth Coronal Pulp Index as a Tool for Age Estimation in Egyptian Polpulation. J Forensic Sci Criminol. 2015;3(2):1-8
White S, Pharoah M. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation. 7th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier; 2014: p.166-168.
Nandiasa S, Kiswanjaya B, Yuniastuti M. 74 penggunaan radiograf gigi untuk kepentingan identifikasi forensik. 2016;3: p.74-77.
Yuniarti A, Zainal Arifin A, Yudhi Wijaya A, Nurul Khotimah W. An Age Estimation Method to Panoramic Radiographs from Indonesian Individuals. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Comput Electron Control. 2013;11(1): p.199.
Limdiwala P, Shah J. Age estimation by using dental radiographs. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2013;5(2): p.118.
Bashardoust N, Sheikhha M, Ardakani FE. The accuracy of dental panoramic radiography as an indicator of chronological age in Iranian individuals. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2007;25(2): p.30-35.
Asyraf AA. Estimasi Usia Berdasarkan Gambaran Gigi Radiografi Panoramik pada Metode Coronal Pulp Cavity Index (CPCI) di Kota Makassar [skripsi]. Universitas Hasanuddin. 2016: p.7-11.
Putri AS, Nehemia B. Perkiraan usia individu melalui pemeriksaan gigi untuk kepentingan forensik kedokteran gigi. 2013;62(3): p.55-63.
Chandramala R, Sharma R, Khan M, Srivastava A. Application of Kvaal ’ s Technique of Age Estimation on Digital Panoramic. 2012;2(6): p.6-10.
Yulianti N, Irnamanda D, Fajar KD. Perbandingan Prakiraan Usia Dari Tooth Coronal Index. 2017;I(1): p.28-33.
RavleenThomas N, Supreet J, Priyanka A, Swati P, Sumit T, S NG. Tooth Coronal Index : Key for Age Estimation on Digital Panoramic radiographs. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2018;30(1): p.64-67.
Harshanur. Anatomi Gigi. Jakarta. EGC; 1991: p.45.
El Morsi DA, Rezk HM, Aziza A, El-Sherbiny M. Tooth Coronal Pulp Index as a Tool for Age Estimation in Egyptian Population. J Forensic Sci Criminol. 2015;3(2): p.1-8.
Godge P, Sharma S, Vibhakar P, Kulkarni S, Shroff J. Age Estimation Using Orthopantomographs-a Forensic Study: Oct-Dec 2014. 2(4). p.26-30.
Badar SB, Ghafoor R, Khan FR, Hameed MH. Age estimation of a sample of Pakistani population using Coronal Pulp Cavity Index in molars and premolars on Orthopantomogram. J Pak Med Assoc. 2016: p.39-41.
Yang F, Jacobs R, Willems G. Dental age estimation through volume matching of teeth imaged by cone-beam CT. Forensic Sci Int. 2006;159(1): p.78-83.
Agitha SRA, Sylvia M, Utomo H. Estimasi Usia Anak Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia dengan Mneggunakan Metode Willems. 2016: p.126
Yulianti N, Irnamanda D, Fajar KD. Perbandingan Prakiraan Usia Dari Tooth Coronal Index. 2017;I91):28-33
El Morsi DA, rezk HM, Aziza A, El-Sherbiny M. Tooth Coronal Pulp Index as a Tool for Age Estimation in Egyptian Polpulation. J Forensic Sci Criminol. 2015;3(2):1-8
How to Cite
YOLANTI, Reni Indah et al.
Estimasi usia prajurit TNI AL berdasarkan Tooth Coronal Index pada digital radiograf panoramik.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 61-66, dec. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025.
Original Research Article

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