Ateroma arteri karotis pada radiograf panoramik sebagai diagnosis awal aterosklerosis
Objectives: This review aimed to understand the radiographic features of carotid artery atheroma on panoramic radiographs as an early diagnosis of atherosclerosis.Literature Review: Carotid artery calcification is caused by a plaque known as an atheroma. Atheroma is a plaque composed of lipids and rich in calcium. If atheroma formation in the carotid arteries increases, it would cause stenosis of the blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke. On panoramic radiographs, carotid artery atheroma appears as a heterogeneous radiopaque image with an irregular shape and well-defined borders. Radiopaque image located inferior to the angle of the mandible, close to the cervical spine (C3-C5) and above the hyoid bone.
Conclusion: Incidental findings on panoramic radiograph could be an initial reference for further examination and evaluation of atherosclerosis.
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Monteiro IA, Ibrahim C, Albuquerque R, Donaldson N, Salazar F, Monteiro L. Assessment of carotid calcifications on digital panoramic radiographs: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119(2):102–6.
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Kats L, Vered M, Zlotogorski-Hurvitz A, Harpaz I. Atherosclerotic carotid plaque on panoramic radiographs: neural network detection. Int J Comput Dent. 2019;22(2):163–9.
Usha VA, David MP. Prevalence of Carotid Artery Atheromas in Postmenopausal Women : A Digital Panoramic Radiographic Study. Jiaomr. 2013;25(June):93–8.
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Vengalath J, Puttabuddi J, Rajkumar B, Shivakumar G. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications on digital panoramic radiographs: A retrospective study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2014;26(4):385.
Mota R, Homeister JW, Willis MS, Bahnson EM. Atherosclerosis: Pathogenesis, Genetics and Experimental Models. eLS. 2017;(November):1–10.
Gonçalves JR da SN, Yamada JLY, Berrocal C, Westphalen FH, Franco A, Fernandes Â. Prevalencija patoloških nalaza na panoramskim radiogramima: Kalcificirani aterom karotidne arterije. Acta Stomatol Croat. 2016;50(3):230–4.
Brasileiro Junior VL, Luna AHB, Sales MAO de, Rodrigues TLC, Sarmento PL da FA, Mello Junior CF de. Reliability of digital panoramic radiography in the diagnosis of carotid artery calcifications. Radiol Bras. 2014;47(1):28–32.
Alves N, Deana NF, Garay I. Detection of common carotid artery calcifications on panoramic radiographs: Prevalence and reliability. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014;7(8):1931–9.
Sung EC, Friedlander AH, Kobashigawa JA. The prevalence of calcified carotid atheromas on the panoramic radiographs of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2004;97(3):404–7.
Ertas ET, Sisman Y. Detection of incidental carotid artery calcifications during dental examinations: Panoramic radiography as an important aid in dentistry. Oral Surgery, Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endodontology. 2011;112(4):e11–7.
Schroder AGD, de Araujo CM, Guariza-Filho O, Flores-Mir C, de Luca Canto G, Porporatti AL. Diagnostic accuracy of panoramic radiography in the detection of calcified carotid artery atheroma: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;
Monteiro IA, Ibrahim C, Albuquerque R, Donaldson N, Salazar F, Monteiro L. Assessment of carotid calcifications on digital panoramic radiographs: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119(2):102–6.
Borba DL, Hipólito UV, Pereira YCL. Early diagnosis of atherosclerosis with panoramic radiographs: a review. J Vasc Bras. 2016;15(4):302–7.
Tofangchiha M, Foroozia M, Bakhshi M, Bashizade H. The carotid artery calcification in type II diabetic patients on panoramic radiographs: An important marker for vascular risk. Sci Res Essays. 2011;6(31):6548–53.
Lee JS, Kim OS, Chung HJ, Kim YJ, Kweon SS, Lee YH, et al. The correlation of carotid artery calcification on panoramic radiographs and determination of carotid artery atherosclerosis with ultrasonography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2014;118(6):739–45.
Kats L, Vered M, Zlotogorski-Hurvitz A, Harpaz I. Atherosclerotic carotid plaque on panoramic radiographs: neural network detection. Int J Comput Dent. 2019;22(2):163–9.
Usha VA, David MP. Prevalence of Carotid Artery Atheromas in Postmenopausal Women : A Digital Panoramic Radiographic Study. Jiaomr. 2013;25(June):93–8.
White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology-E-Book: Principles and interpretation. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014.
Vengalath J, Puttabuddi J, Rajkumar B, Shivakumar G. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications on digital panoramic radiographs: A retrospective study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2014;26(4):385.
How to Cite
Ateroma arteri karotis pada radiograf panoramik sebagai diagnosis awal aterosklerosis.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 101-104, dec. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.
Review Article
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