Kelebihan dan kekurangan penggunaan radiasi dosis rendah (Low Doses Radiation: advantages and disadvantages)
Objectives: To inform and discuss the benefits and harms of low dose radiation.Literature Review: Low dose radiation (LDR) was often used, including for services in the field of dentistry. Several studies have studied this for a long time but the results are still not conclusively agreed. Some researchers found a variety of side effects that are not beneficial to the body, but some found no association with the body damage caused by this, and even some found that LDR has beneficial effects on the body.
Conclusion: low doses of radiation cause significant changes in the body, although this condition is met with an adaptive reaction which is considered a beneficial response by the body. Therefore, no matter how small the radiation is given, it will still have an impact on the body so it is better to be wise in its use.
Zhuo Wang, Ming Yue Lv, YaoXiong Huang. Effects of Low-Dose X-Ray on Cell Growth, Membrane Permeability, DNA Damage and Gene Transfer Efficiency, Dose-Response: An International Journal. Oktober-Desember. 2020:1-11
Ionizing radiation, health effects and protective measures. WHO. 2016. Accessed April 2016. ct-sheets/detail/ionizing-radiation-health-effects-and-protectivemeasures, 2020.
Shah DJ, Sachs RK, Wilson DJ. Radiation-induced cancer: a modern view. Br J Radiol. 2012;85(1020):1166-1173.
Farooque A, Mathur R, Verma A, et al. Low-dose radiation therapy of cancer: role of immune enhancement. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2011;11(5):791-802.
Dhawan G, Kapoor R, Dhawan R, et al. Low dose radiation therapy as a potential life saving treatment for COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Radiother Oncol. 2020;147:212-216.
Cuttler JM. Application of low doses of ionizing radiation in medical therapies. Dose-Response. 2020;18(1):1-17.
Royo LT, Redondo GA, Pianetta MA, Prat MA. Low-dose radiation therapy for benign pathologies. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2020;25(2):250-254.
Feinendegen LE. Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis. Br J Radiol. 2005;78(925):3-7.
Noriko Shimura, Shuji Kojima. The Lowest Radiation Dose Having Molecular Changes in the Living Body. An International Journal . April-June. 2018:1-17
Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Doses: A White Paper to Guide the Scientific Committee’s future programme of work. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation; 2012.
Nakano T, Xu X, Salem AM, Shoulkamy MI, Ide H. Radiation-induced DNA–protein cross-links. Mechanisms and biological significance. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017:136-145
BF Wall, GM Kendall, A A Edwards, S Bouffler, CR Muirhead, JR Meara, What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation?. The British Journal of Radiology, 79 (2006), 285–294
Noriko Shimura, Shuji Kojima, The Lowest Radiation Dose Having Molecular Changes in the Living Body, An International Journal April-June 2018:1-17
Nakano T, Xu X, Salem AM, Shoulkamy MI, Ide H.Radiation-induced DNA–protein cross-links. Mechanisms and biological significance. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017:136-145.
Goodhead DT. Initial events in the cellular effects of ionizing radiations: clustered damage in DNA, Int J Radiat Biol. 1994; 65(1):7-17.
Rothkamm K, Lo¨brich M. Evidence for a lack of DNA doublestrand break repair in human cells exposed to very low X-ray doses. PNAS. 2003;100(9):5057-5062.
Antonelli F, Campa A, Esposito G, et al. Induction and repair of DNA DSB as revealed by H2AX phosphorylation foci in human fibroblasts exposed to low- and high- LET radiation: relationship with early and delayed reproductive cell death. Radiat Res. 2015; 183(4):417-431.
Feinendegen LE, Pollycove M. Biologic responses to low doses of ionizing radiation. Detriment versus hormesis. Part 1. Dose responses of cells and tissues. J Nucl Med. 2001;42(7):17N-27N.
Okada M, Okabe A, Uchihori Y, et al. Single extreme low dose/ low dose rate irradiation causes alteration in lifespan and genome instability in primary human cells. Br J Cancer. 2007;96(11): 1707-1710.
Ishizaki K, Hayashi Y, Nakamura H, Yasui Y, Komatsu K, Tachibana A. No induction of p53 phosphorylation and few focus formation of phosphrylated H2AX suggest efficient repair of DNA damage during chronic low-dose-rate irradiation in human cells. J Radiat Res. 2004;45(4):521-525.
Brooks AL, Lei XC, Rithidech K. Changes in biomarkers from space radiation may reflect dose not risk. Adv Space Res. 2003; 31(6):1505-1512.
Brooks AL, Hoel DG, Preston RJ. The role of dose rate in radiation cancer risk: evaluating the effect of dose rate at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels using key events in critical pathways following exposure to low LET radiation. Int J Radiat Biol. 2016; 92(8):405-426.
Roch-Ref´evre S, Martin-Bodiot C, Gr´egoire E, Desbr´ee A, Roy L, Barquinero JF, A mouse model of cytogenetic analysis to evaluate caesium 137 radiation dose exposure and contamination level in lymphocytes. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2016;55(1):61-70.
Katelyn Truong, Suzanne Bradley, Bryana Baginski, Joseph R. Wilson, Donald Medlin, Leon Zheng, et al. The effect of well-characterized, very low-dose x-ray radiation on fibroblasts,PlosOne.January, 2018 : 1-16.
Feinendegen LE. Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis. Br J Radiol.2005; 78(925):3-7
Feinendegen LE. Relative implications of protective responses versus damage induction at low dose and low-dose-rate exposures, using the microdose approach. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2003; 104 (4):337- 46
Shay JW, Roninson IB. Hallmarks of senescence in carcinogenesis and cancer therapy. Oncogene. 2004; 23(16):2919-33
Montree Tungjai, Nutnicha Phathakanon, Kanokporn Noy Rithidech. Effects of medical diagnostic low-dose x rays on human lymphocytes: mitochondrial membrane potential, apoptosis and cell cycle. Health Phys. 2017.112(5): 458–464
Alexander Vaiserman1, Alexander Koliada1, Oksana Zabuga1,Yehoshua Socol2. Health Impacts of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: Current Scientific Debates and Regulatory Issues. An International Journal July-September 2018:1-27
Nowosielska EM, Cheda A, Wrembel-Wargocka J, Janiak K. Effect of low doses of low-LET radiation on the innate antitumor reactions in radioresistant and radiosensitive mice. Dose- Response. 2012;10(4):500-515.
Bogda´ndi EN, Balogh A, Felgyinszki N, et al. Effects of lowdose radiation on the immune system of mice after total-body irradiation. Radiat Res. 2010;174(4):480-489.
Lacoste-Collin L, Jozan S, Cances-Lauwers V, et al. Effect of continuous irradiation with a very low dose of gamma rays on life span and the immune system in SJL mice prone to B-cell lymphoma. Radiat Res. 2007;168(6):725-732.
Cuttler JM, Feinendegen LE, Socol Y. Evidence that lifelong low dose rates of ionizing radiation increase lifespan in longand short-lived dogs. Dose-Response. 2017;15(1):1-6.
Seed TM, Inal C, Dobson ME, et al. Accomodative responses to chronic irradiation: effects of dose, dose rate, and pharmacological response modifiers. Mil Med. 2002;167:82-86.
Caroline C. Rodgers. Low-dose X-ray imaging may increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Medical Hypotheses . 2020;142:1-6
Yann Guéguen, Alice Bontemps, Teni G. Ebrahimian. Adaptive responses to low doses of radiation or chemicals: their cellular and molecular mechanisms. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Desember 2018:1-18
Lagarde F, Beausoleil C, Belcher SM, Belzunces LP, Emond, C, Guerbet M, Rousselle C (2015) Non-monotonic doseresponse relationships and endocrine disruptors: a qualitative . Environ Health. 2015; 14 (13)
Liu Shuzheng, Shunzi Jin, Hongyu Jiang, Lu Cai. New understanding of the low-dose radiation-induced hormesis. Radiation Medicine and Protection 1. 2020: 2-6
Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD, et al. Role of CD28/B7 costimulation and Il-12/IL-10 interaction in the radiation-induced immune changes. BMC Immunol. 2001;2:1–8.
Gao H, Dong Z, Wei W, et al. Integrative analysis for the role of long non-coding RNAs in radiation-induced mouse thymocytes responses. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2017;49(1):51–61.
Gao H, Dong Z, Gong X, et al. Effects of various radiation doses on induced T-helper cell differentiation and related cytokine secretion. J Radiat Res. 2018;59(4):395–403.
Liu SZ. Radiation-induced changes in lymphocyte proliferation and its neuroendocrine regulation: dose-response relationship and pathophysiological implications. Intl J Nonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med. 2004;2(3):133–243.
Alexander Vaiserman1, Alexander Koliada1, Oksana Zabuga1, and Yehoshua Socol, Health Impacts of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: Current Scientific Debates and Regulatory Issues. An International Journal. July-September . 2018:1-27
B F Wall, G M Kendall, A A Edwards, S Bouffler, C R Muirhead, J R Meara. What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation?. The British Journal of Radiology, 79 (2006), 285–294
L E Feinendegen. Evidence For Beneficial Low Level Radiation Effects And Radiation Hormesis. The British Journal of Radiology, 78 (2005), 3–7
Feinendegen LE. Relative implications of protective responses versus damage induction at low-dose and low-dose rate exposures, using the microdose approach. Radiat Prot Dosim 2003;104:337–46.
Calabrese EJ, Baldwin LA. Toxicology rethinks its central belief. Nature 2003;421:691–2.
Feinendegen LE. Biological effects of low doses of ionizing radiation: damage versus protection. In: LE Feinendegen, WW Shreeve, W Eckelman, Y-W Bahk, HN Wagner Jr, eds.Molecular Nuclear Medicine; The Challenge of Genomics and Proteomics to Clinical Practice. Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2003:747–61.
Calabrese EJ, Baldwin LA. The frequency of U-shaped dose responses in the toxicological literature. Toxicol Sci. 2001; 62(2):330–338
Szumiel I. Ionizing radiation-induced oxidative stress, epigenetic changes and genomic instability: the pivotal role of mitochondria. Int J Radiat Biol. 2012; 91(1):1–12.
Tapio S, Jacob V. Radioadaptive response revisited. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2007; 46(1):1–12.
Sthijns MM, Weseler AR, Bast A, Haenen GR. Time in redox adaptation processes: from evolution to hormesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2016; 17(10):1649.
Andreau K, Leroux M, Bouharrour A . Health and cellular impacts of air pollutants: from cytoprotection to cytotoxicity. Biochem Res Int.2012:493894.
Tapio S, Jacob V. Radioadaptive response revisited. Radiat Environ Biophys . 2007; 46(1):1–12.
Calabrese EJ. Hormetic mechanisms. Crit Rev Toxicol . 2013; 43(7):580–606.
Harper JW, Elledge SJ. The DNA damage response: ten years after. Mol Cell. 2007; 28(5):739–745
Sasaki MS, Ejima Y, Tachibana A, Yamada T, Ishizaki K, Shimizu T, Nomura T. DNA damage response pathway in radioadaptive response. Mutat Res. 2002; 504(1–2):101–118
Nenoi M, Wang B, Vares G. In vivo radioadaptive response: a review of studies relevant to radiation-induced cancer risk. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2015; 34(3):272–283.
Iyer R, Lehnert BE. Alpha-particle-induced increases in the radioresistance of normal human bystander cells. Radiat Res. 2002; 157(1):3–7
Li N, Hao M, Phalen RF, Hinds WC, Nel AE (2003) Particulate air pollutants and asthma. A paradigm for the role of oxidative stress in PM-induced adverse health effects. Clin Immunol 109(3):250–265
Maes OC, An J, Sarojini H, Wu H, Wang E (2008) Changes in MicroRNA expression patterns in human fibroblasts after low-LET radiation. J Cell Biochem 105(3):824–834
Gaipl US, Meister S, Lodermann B, Rodel F, Fietkau R, Herrmann M, Kern PM, Frey B. Activation-induced cell death and total Akt content of granulocytes show a biphasic course after low-dose radiation. Autoimmunity.2009; 42(4):340–342
Kusunoki Y, Hayashi T. Long-lasting alterations of the immune system by ionizing radiation exposure: implications for disease development among atomic bomb survivors. Int J Radiat Biol. 2008;84(1):1.
Liu XD, Ma SM, Liu SZ. Effects of 0.075 Gy x-ray irradiation on the expression of IL-10 and IL-12 in mice. Phys Med Biol. 2003; 48(13):2041-2049.
Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD, Sun YM. Role of CD28/B7 costimulation and IL-12/IL-10 interaction in the radiation-induced immune changes. BMC Immunol. 2001;2(1):8.
Yang G, Kong Q, Wang G, et al. Low-dose ionizing radiation induces direct activation of natural killer cells and provides a novel approach for adoptive cellular immunotherapy. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2014;29(10):428-434.
Mouthon MA, Meeren AVD, Vandamme M, Squiban C, Gaugler MH. Thrombopoietin protects mice from mortality and myelosuppression following high-dose irradiation: importance of time scheduling. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2002;80(7):717-721.
Li W, Wang G, Cui J, Xue L, Cai L. Low-dose radiation (LDR) induces hematopoietic hormesis: LDR-induced mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells into peripheral blood circulation. Exp Hematol. 2004;32(11):1088-1096.
Zhang HL. Stimulation of low dose radiation on hematopoietic system. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1993;73(2):99.
Zhang L. The hormesis of blood samples irradiated in vitro by Xrays to low doses. J Radiat Res Radiat Proc. 2004;22(5):315-317.
Wang GJ, Cai L. Induction of cell-proliferation hormesis and cellsurvival adaptive response in mouse hematopoietic cells by whole-body low-dose radiation. Toxicol Sci. 2000;53(2):369-376.
Senseb´e L, Bourin P. Mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic purposes. Transplantation. 2009;87(9 suppl):49-53.
Liu ZJ, Zhuge Y, Velazquez OC. Trafficking and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J Cell Biochem. 2009;106(6):984.
Liang XY, So YH, Cui JW, et al. The low-dose ionizing radiation stimulates cell proliferation via activation of the MAPK_ERK pathway in rat cultured mesenchymal stem cells. J Radiat Res. 2011;52(3):380-386.
Ionizing radiation, health effects and protective measures. WHO. 2016. Accessed April 2016. ct-sheets/detail/ionizing-radiation-health-effects-and-protectivemeasures, 2020.
Shah DJ, Sachs RK, Wilson DJ. Radiation-induced cancer: a modern view. Br J Radiol. 2012;85(1020):1166-1173.
Farooque A, Mathur R, Verma A, et al. Low-dose radiation therapy of cancer: role of immune enhancement. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2011;11(5):791-802.
Dhawan G, Kapoor R, Dhawan R, et al. Low dose radiation therapy as a potential life saving treatment for COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Radiother Oncol. 2020;147:212-216.
Cuttler JM. Application of low doses of ionizing radiation in medical therapies. Dose-Response. 2020;18(1):1-17.
Royo LT, Redondo GA, Pianetta MA, Prat MA. Low-dose radiation therapy for benign pathologies. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2020;25(2):250-254.
Feinendegen LE. Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis. Br J Radiol. 2005;78(925):3-7.
Noriko Shimura, Shuji Kojima. The Lowest Radiation Dose Having Molecular Changes in the Living Body. An International Journal . April-June. 2018:1-17
Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Doses: A White Paper to Guide the Scientific Committee’s future programme of work. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation; 2012.
Nakano T, Xu X, Salem AM, Shoulkamy MI, Ide H. Radiation-induced DNA–protein cross-links. Mechanisms and biological significance. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017:136-145
BF Wall, GM Kendall, A A Edwards, S Bouffler, CR Muirhead, JR Meara, What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation?. The British Journal of Radiology, 79 (2006), 285–294
Noriko Shimura, Shuji Kojima, The Lowest Radiation Dose Having Molecular Changes in the Living Body, An International Journal April-June 2018:1-17
Nakano T, Xu X, Salem AM, Shoulkamy MI, Ide H.Radiation-induced DNA–protein cross-links. Mechanisms and biological significance. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017:136-145.
Goodhead DT. Initial events in the cellular effects of ionizing radiations: clustered damage in DNA, Int J Radiat Biol. 1994; 65(1):7-17.
Rothkamm K, Lo¨brich M. Evidence for a lack of DNA doublestrand break repair in human cells exposed to very low X-ray doses. PNAS. 2003;100(9):5057-5062.
Antonelli F, Campa A, Esposito G, et al. Induction and repair of DNA DSB as revealed by H2AX phosphorylation foci in human fibroblasts exposed to low- and high- LET radiation: relationship with early and delayed reproductive cell death. Radiat Res. 2015; 183(4):417-431.
Feinendegen LE, Pollycove M. Biologic responses to low doses of ionizing radiation. Detriment versus hormesis. Part 1. Dose responses of cells and tissues. J Nucl Med. 2001;42(7):17N-27N.
Okada M, Okabe A, Uchihori Y, et al. Single extreme low dose/ low dose rate irradiation causes alteration in lifespan and genome instability in primary human cells. Br J Cancer. 2007;96(11): 1707-1710.
Ishizaki K, Hayashi Y, Nakamura H, Yasui Y, Komatsu K, Tachibana A. No induction of p53 phosphorylation and few focus formation of phosphrylated H2AX suggest efficient repair of DNA damage during chronic low-dose-rate irradiation in human cells. J Radiat Res. 2004;45(4):521-525.
Brooks AL, Lei XC, Rithidech K. Changes in biomarkers from space radiation may reflect dose not risk. Adv Space Res. 2003; 31(6):1505-1512.
Brooks AL, Hoel DG, Preston RJ. The role of dose rate in radiation cancer risk: evaluating the effect of dose rate at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels using key events in critical pathways following exposure to low LET radiation. Int J Radiat Biol. 2016; 92(8):405-426.
Roch-Ref´evre S, Martin-Bodiot C, Gr´egoire E, Desbr´ee A, Roy L, Barquinero JF, A mouse model of cytogenetic analysis to evaluate caesium 137 radiation dose exposure and contamination level in lymphocytes. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2016;55(1):61-70.
Katelyn Truong, Suzanne Bradley, Bryana Baginski, Joseph R. Wilson, Donald Medlin, Leon Zheng, et al. The effect of well-characterized, very low-dose x-ray radiation on fibroblasts,PlosOne.January, 2018 : 1-16.
Feinendegen LE. Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis. Br J Radiol.2005; 78(925):3-7
Feinendegen LE. Relative implications of protective responses versus damage induction at low dose and low-dose-rate exposures, using the microdose approach. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2003; 104 (4):337- 46
Shay JW, Roninson IB. Hallmarks of senescence in carcinogenesis and cancer therapy. Oncogene. 2004; 23(16):2919-33
Montree Tungjai, Nutnicha Phathakanon, Kanokporn Noy Rithidech. Effects of medical diagnostic low-dose x rays on human lymphocytes: mitochondrial membrane potential, apoptosis and cell cycle. Health Phys. 2017.112(5): 458–464
Alexander Vaiserman1, Alexander Koliada1, Oksana Zabuga1,Yehoshua Socol2. Health Impacts of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: Current Scientific Debates and Regulatory Issues. An International Journal July-September 2018:1-27
Nowosielska EM, Cheda A, Wrembel-Wargocka J, Janiak K. Effect of low doses of low-LET radiation on the innate antitumor reactions in radioresistant and radiosensitive mice. Dose- Response. 2012;10(4):500-515.
Bogda´ndi EN, Balogh A, Felgyinszki N, et al. Effects of lowdose radiation on the immune system of mice after total-body irradiation. Radiat Res. 2010;174(4):480-489.
Lacoste-Collin L, Jozan S, Cances-Lauwers V, et al. Effect of continuous irradiation with a very low dose of gamma rays on life span and the immune system in SJL mice prone to B-cell lymphoma. Radiat Res. 2007;168(6):725-732.
Cuttler JM, Feinendegen LE, Socol Y. Evidence that lifelong low dose rates of ionizing radiation increase lifespan in longand short-lived dogs. Dose-Response. 2017;15(1):1-6.
Seed TM, Inal C, Dobson ME, et al. Accomodative responses to chronic irradiation: effects of dose, dose rate, and pharmacological response modifiers. Mil Med. 2002;167:82-86.
Caroline C. Rodgers. Low-dose X-ray imaging may increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Medical Hypotheses . 2020;142:1-6
Yann Guéguen, Alice Bontemps, Teni G. Ebrahimian. Adaptive responses to low doses of radiation or chemicals: their cellular and molecular mechanisms. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Desember 2018:1-18
Lagarde F, Beausoleil C, Belcher SM, Belzunces LP, Emond, C, Guerbet M, Rousselle C (2015) Non-monotonic doseresponse relationships and endocrine disruptors: a qualitative . Environ Health. 2015; 14 (13)
Liu Shuzheng, Shunzi Jin, Hongyu Jiang, Lu Cai. New understanding of the low-dose radiation-induced hormesis. Radiation Medicine and Protection 1. 2020: 2-6
Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD, et al. Role of CD28/B7 costimulation and Il-12/IL-10 interaction in the radiation-induced immune changes. BMC Immunol. 2001;2:1–8.
Gao H, Dong Z, Wei W, et al. Integrative analysis for the role of long non-coding RNAs in radiation-induced mouse thymocytes responses. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2017;49(1):51–61.
Gao H, Dong Z, Gong X, et al. Effects of various radiation doses on induced T-helper cell differentiation and related cytokine secretion. J Radiat Res. 2018;59(4):395–403.
Liu SZ. Radiation-induced changes in lymphocyte proliferation and its neuroendocrine regulation: dose-response relationship and pathophysiological implications. Intl J Nonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med. 2004;2(3):133–243.
Alexander Vaiserman1, Alexander Koliada1, Oksana Zabuga1, and Yehoshua Socol, Health Impacts of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: Current Scientific Debates and Regulatory Issues. An International Journal. July-September . 2018:1-27
B F Wall, G M Kendall, A A Edwards, S Bouffler, C R Muirhead, J R Meara. What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation?. The British Journal of Radiology, 79 (2006), 285–294
L E Feinendegen. Evidence For Beneficial Low Level Radiation Effects And Radiation Hormesis. The British Journal of Radiology, 78 (2005), 3–7
Feinendegen LE. Relative implications of protective responses versus damage induction at low-dose and low-dose rate exposures, using the microdose approach. Radiat Prot Dosim 2003;104:337–46.
Calabrese EJ, Baldwin LA. Toxicology rethinks its central belief. Nature 2003;421:691–2.
Feinendegen LE. Biological effects of low doses of ionizing radiation: damage versus protection. In: LE Feinendegen, WW Shreeve, W Eckelman, Y-W Bahk, HN Wagner Jr, eds.Molecular Nuclear Medicine; The Challenge of Genomics and Proteomics to Clinical Practice. Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2003:747–61.
Calabrese EJ, Baldwin LA. The frequency of U-shaped dose responses in the toxicological literature. Toxicol Sci. 2001; 62(2):330–338
Szumiel I. Ionizing radiation-induced oxidative stress, epigenetic changes and genomic instability: the pivotal role of mitochondria. Int J Radiat Biol. 2012; 91(1):1–12.
Tapio S, Jacob V. Radioadaptive response revisited. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2007; 46(1):1–12.
Sthijns MM, Weseler AR, Bast A, Haenen GR. Time in redox adaptation processes: from evolution to hormesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2016; 17(10):1649.
Andreau K, Leroux M, Bouharrour A . Health and cellular impacts of air pollutants: from cytoprotection to cytotoxicity. Biochem Res Int.2012:493894.
Tapio S, Jacob V. Radioadaptive response revisited. Radiat Environ Biophys . 2007; 46(1):1–12.
Calabrese EJ. Hormetic mechanisms. Crit Rev Toxicol . 2013; 43(7):580–606.
Harper JW, Elledge SJ. The DNA damage response: ten years after. Mol Cell. 2007; 28(5):739–745
Sasaki MS, Ejima Y, Tachibana A, Yamada T, Ishizaki K, Shimizu T, Nomura T. DNA damage response pathway in radioadaptive response. Mutat Res. 2002; 504(1–2):101–118
Nenoi M, Wang B, Vares G. In vivo radioadaptive response: a review of studies relevant to radiation-induced cancer risk. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2015; 34(3):272–283.
Iyer R, Lehnert BE. Alpha-particle-induced increases in the radioresistance of normal human bystander cells. Radiat Res. 2002; 157(1):3–7
Li N, Hao M, Phalen RF, Hinds WC, Nel AE (2003) Particulate air pollutants and asthma. A paradigm for the role of oxidative stress in PM-induced adverse health effects. Clin Immunol 109(3):250–265
Maes OC, An J, Sarojini H, Wu H, Wang E (2008) Changes in MicroRNA expression patterns in human fibroblasts after low-LET radiation. J Cell Biochem 105(3):824–834
Gaipl US, Meister S, Lodermann B, Rodel F, Fietkau R, Herrmann M, Kern PM, Frey B. Activation-induced cell death and total Akt content of granulocytes show a biphasic course after low-dose radiation. Autoimmunity.2009; 42(4):340–342
Kusunoki Y, Hayashi T. Long-lasting alterations of the immune system by ionizing radiation exposure: implications for disease development among atomic bomb survivors. Int J Radiat Biol. 2008;84(1):1.
Liu XD, Ma SM, Liu SZ. Effects of 0.075 Gy x-ray irradiation on the expression of IL-10 and IL-12 in mice. Phys Med Biol. 2003; 48(13):2041-2049.
Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD, Sun YM. Role of CD28/B7 costimulation and IL-12/IL-10 interaction in the radiation-induced immune changes. BMC Immunol. 2001;2(1):8.
Yang G, Kong Q, Wang G, et al. Low-dose ionizing radiation induces direct activation of natural killer cells and provides a novel approach for adoptive cellular immunotherapy. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2014;29(10):428-434.
Mouthon MA, Meeren AVD, Vandamme M, Squiban C, Gaugler MH. Thrombopoietin protects mice from mortality and myelosuppression following high-dose irradiation: importance of time scheduling. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2002;80(7):717-721.
Li W, Wang G, Cui J, Xue L, Cai L. Low-dose radiation (LDR) induces hematopoietic hormesis: LDR-induced mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells into peripheral blood circulation. Exp Hematol. 2004;32(11):1088-1096.
Zhang HL. Stimulation of low dose radiation on hematopoietic system. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1993;73(2):99.
Zhang L. The hormesis of blood samples irradiated in vitro by Xrays to low doses. J Radiat Res Radiat Proc. 2004;22(5):315-317.
Wang GJ, Cai L. Induction of cell-proliferation hormesis and cellsurvival adaptive response in mouse hematopoietic cells by whole-body low-dose radiation. Toxicol Sci. 2000;53(2):369-376.
Senseb´e L, Bourin P. Mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic purposes. Transplantation. 2009;87(9 suppl):49-53.
Liu ZJ, Zhuge Y, Velazquez OC. Trafficking and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J Cell Biochem. 2009;106(6):984.
Liang XY, So YH, Cui JW, et al. The low-dose ionizing radiation stimulates cell proliferation via activation of the MAPK_ERK pathway in rat cultured mesenchymal stem cells. J Radiat Res. 2011;52(3):380-386.
How to Cite
EPSILAWATI, Lusi et al.
Kelebihan dan kekurangan penggunaan radiasi dosis rendah (Low Doses Radiation: advantages and disadvantages).
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 117-123, dec. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.
Review Article

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