Biomarker of buccal mucosa cells damaged after exposure to panoramic radiography: a literature review
Objectives: This review aimed to understand the effect of exposure to panoramic radiographs on exfoliated buccal mucosal cells at the cellular level.Review: The dose of radiation exposure in dentistry, both intraoral and extraoral, has been regulated by The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). However, even though it is given in small doses, x-ray radiation due to intraoral and extraoral radiographs still has a radiobiological effect on the exposed tissue. The radiobiological effects of X-ray exposure can cause changes in biological molecules, either directly or indirectly, within hours or days. There are two classification of this radiobiological effect, called deterministic and stochastic effect. The deterministic effect occurs when the dose given exceeds the recommended dose by the NRPB, whereas the stochastic effect does not have any threshold that needs to be exceeded to give some adverse impact to the exposed tissue One method used as a predictor or biomarker of genetic damage due to exposure to physical or chemical mutagenic agents in humans is micronucleus (MN). The biomarker for the cell damaged is the change of nucleus shape and outline, called pycnosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis.
Conclusion: The exposed to x-ray from panoramic could induce cell and genetic damaged. Prescription for panoramic radiographic examination in patients should be as effectively as possible according to the principles of ALADA (as low as diagnostically acceptable) to avoid adverse effects on the exposed tissue.
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Farhadi F, Ruhani MR, Zarandi A. Frequency and pattern of idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis lesions in panoramic radiography of Iranian patients. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2016;13(4):322–6.
Adisen M, Yilmaz S, Misirlioglu M, Nalcaci R. The evaluation of idiopathic osteosclerosis on panoramic radiographs with an investigation of lesion′s relationship with mandibular canal by using cross-sectional cone-beam computed tomography images. J Oral Maxillofac Radiol. 2013;1(2):48.
Sisman Y, Ertas ET, Ertas H, Sekerci AE. The frequency and distribution of idiopathic osteosclerosis of the jaw. Eur J Dent. 2011 Aug;5(4):409-14.
Azizi Z, Mosafery H, Safi Y, Dabirzadeh S, Vasegh Z. Prevalence of idiopathic osteosclerosis on cone beam computed tomography images. J Dent Sch Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci. 2017;35(2):67–70.
Zayet MK, Hassan AA. Assessment of idiopathic osteosclerosis in the jaws of the egyptian population using cone beam computed tomography. 2019;65:1397–401.
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Ledesma-Montes C, Jiménez-Farfán MD, Hernández-Guerrero JC. Idiopathic osteosclerosis in the maxillomandibular area. Radiol Medica [Internet]. 2019;124(1):27–33.
Verzak Z, Celap B, Modrić VE, Sorić P, Karlović Z. The prevalence of idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis in Zagreb population. Acta Clin Croat. 2012 Dec;51(4):573-7.
Rahman FUA, Epsilawati L, Pramanik F, Febriani M. Temuan insidental lesi radiopak asimptomatik pada pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik: laporan 3 kasus dan ulasan pustaka Dense Bone Island (DBI). J Radiol Dentomaksilofasial Indones. 2019;3(2):35.
Silva BSF, Bueno MR, Yamamoto-Silva FP, Gomez RS, Peters OA, Estrela C. Differential diagnosis and clinical management of periapical radiopaque/hyperdense jaw lesions. Braz Oral Res. 2017;31:e52.
Chen CH, Wang CK, Lin LM, Huang Y Der, Geist JR, Chen YK. Retrospective comparison of the frequency, distribution, and radiographic features of osteosclerosis of the jaws between Taiwanese and American cohorts using cone-beam computed tomography. Oral Radiol. 2014;30(1):53–63.
Tie C, Zhi-ying Z. Cone beam computed tomography: a useful tool in diagnosis of bone ssland and implant insertion guidance. Omi J Radiol. 2012;01(02).
Whaites E, Drage N, Essentials of dental radiography and radiology. 5th edition. Elsevier; 2013. p.193.
Demir A, Pekiner FN. Idiopathic Osteosclerosis of the jaws in turkish subpopulation: cone-beam computed tomography findings. Clin Exp Heal Sci. 2019;
Gamba TO, Maciel NAP, Rados PV, da Silveira HLD, Arús NA, Flores IL. The imaging role for diagnosis of idiopathic osteosclerosis: a retrospective approach based on records of 33,550 cases. Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(4):1755–65.
Ahmad NS, Yong J, Mei S, Ibrahim N, Fauzi AA, Megat R, et al. Asymptomatic radiopacity of mandible causing delayed orthodontic tooth movement : A Case Report. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2020;8(2):72–5.
Tsvetanov T. Mandibular idiopathic osteosclerosis or condensing osteitis. A Case Report. Int J Med Dent. 2020;24(4):604–6.
Farhadi F, Ruhani MR, Zarandi A. Frequency and pattern of idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis lesions in panoramic radiography of Iranian patients. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2016;13(4):322–6.
Adisen M, Yilmaz S, Misirlioglu M, Nalcaci R. The evaluation of idiopathic osteosclerosis on panoramic radiographs with an investigation of lesion′s relationship with mandibular canal by using cross-sectional cone-beam computed tomography images. J Oral Maxillofac Radiol. 2013;1(2):48.
Sisman Y, Ertas ET, Ertas H, Sekerci AE. The frequency and distribution of idiopathic osteosclerosis of the jaw. Eur J Dent. 2011 Aug;5(4):409-14.
Azizi Z, Mosafery H, Safi Y, Dabirzadeh S, Vasegh Z. Prevalence of idiopathic osteosclerosis on cone beam computed tomography images. J Dent Sch Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci. 2017;35(2):67–70.
Zayet MK, Hassan AA. Assessment of idiopathic osteosclerosis in the jaws of the egyptian population using cone beam computed tomography. 2019;65:1397–401.
Li Z, Lai R, Feng Z. Case history report: cone beam computed tomography for implant insertion guidance in the presence of a dense bone island. Int J Prosthodont. 2016;29(2):186–7.
White SC, Pharoah MJ, Oral radiology principle and interpretation. 7th edition. St. Louis Missouri; 2014.
Sinnott PM, Hodges S. An incidental dense bone island: A review of potential medical and orthodontic implications of dense bone islands and case report. J Orthod. 2020;47(3):251–6.
Ledesma-Montes C, Jiménez-Farfán MD, Hernández-Guerrero JC. Idiopathic osteosclerosis in the maxillomandibular area. Radiol Medica [Internet]. 2019;124(1):27–33.
Verzak Z, Celap B, Modrić VE, Sorić P, Karlović Z. The prevalence of idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis in Zagreb population. Acta Clin Croat. 2012 Dec;51(4):573-7.
Rahman FUA, Epsilawati L, Pramanik F, Febriani M. Temuan insidental lesi radiopak asimptomatik pada pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik: laporan 3 kasus dan ulasan pustaka Dense Bone Island (DBI). J Radiol Dentomaksilofasial Indones. 2019;3(2):35.
Silva BSF, Bueno MR, Yamamoto-Silva FP, Gomez RS, Peters OA, Estrela C. Differential diagnosis and clinical management of periapical radiopaque/hyperdense jaw lesions. Braz Oral Res. 2017;31:e52.
Chen CH, Wang CK, Lin LM, Huang Y Der, Geist JR, Chen YK. Retrospective comparison of the frequency, distribution, and radiographic features of osteosclerosis of the jaws between Taiwanese and American cohorts using cone-beam computed tomography. Oral Radiol. 2014;30(1):53–63.
Tie C, Zhi-ying Z. Cone beam computed tomography: a useful tool in diagnosis of bone ssland and implant insertion guidance. Omi J Radiol. 2012;01(02).
Whaites E, Drage N, Essentials of dental radiography and radiology. 5th edition. Elsevier; 2013. p.193.
How to Cite
WULANSARI, Dwi Putri; AZHARI, Azhari.
Biomarker of buccal mucosa cells damaged after exposure to panoramic radiography: a literature review.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 27-30, apr. 2021.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Review Article

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