The value of Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) in hypertension patients on its correlation with serum calcium and cortisol level
Objective: This research was aimed to analyze the mandibular cortical width based on a mental index (MI) and gonial Index (GI) in hypertension patients correlated with serum calcium and cortisol levels.Materials and Methods: This study was an analytic-observational study with 31 hypertension patients aged 41-79. All of the patients have checked their serum calcium and cortisol level. The panoramic radiograph was taken and analyzed using Image-J Fiji software. The mandibular cortical width was then measured with Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) and correlated with the serum calcium and cortisol level.
Results: The data obtained from examining serum calcium and cortisol levels and the measurement of Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) showed varying results but tended towards normal values. The results of the correlation test between mental index and gonial index with cortisol and serum calcium showed no correlation with p>0.05.
Conclusion: There was no correlation between serum calcium and cortisol level in the value of MI and GI in hypertension patients.
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Krummel DA. Medical nutrition therapy in cardiovascular disease. Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S, 11th ed Ed Krause’s food Nutr. 2008;
Colafella KMM, Denton KM. Sex-specific differences in hypertension and associated cardiovascular disease. Nat Rev Nephrol [Internet]. 2018;14(3):185–201. Available from:
Doumas M, Papademetriou V, Faselis C, Kokkinos P. Gender differences in hypertension: Myths and reality. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2013;15(4):321–30.
Gandy J. A. Stewart Truswell. ABC of Nutrition, London: BMJ Books (2003.£ 19.95 (paperback). pp. 152. ISBN 0 7279 1664 5. Br J Nutr. 2004;92(3):545.
Sabanayagam C, Shankar A. Serum calcium levels and hypertension among US adults. J Clin Hypertens. 2011;13(10):716–21.
Hazari MAH, Arifuddin MS, Muzzakar S, Devender Reddy V. Serum calcium level in hypertension. N Am J Med Sci. 2012;4(11):569–72.
Baumgart P, Zidek W, Losse H, Karoff C, Wehling M, Vetter W, et al. Obesity, hypertension and intracellular electrolytes. Klin Wochenschr. 1983;61(16):803–5.
Jorde R, Sundsfjord J, Fitzgerald P, Bønaa KH. Serum Calcium and Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases. 2015;97:484–91.
Strazzullo P, Nunziata V, Cirillo M, Giannattasio R, Ferrara LA, Mattioli PL, et al. Abnormalities of calcium metabolism in essential hypertension. Clin Sci. 1983;65(2):137–41.
Vargas CM, Obisesan T, Gillum RF. Association of serum albumin concentration, serum ionized calcium concentration, and blood pressure in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. J Clin Epidemiol. 1998;51(9):739–46.
Carroll D, Phillips AC, Lord JM, Arlt W, Batty GD. Cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, their ratio and hypertension: Evidence of associations in male veterans from the Vietnam experience study. J Hum Hypertens. 2011;25(7):418–24.
Whitworth JA, Williamson PM, Mangos G, Kelly JJ. Cardiovascular consequences of cortisol excess. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2005;1(4):291–9.
Li X, Xiang X, Hu J, Goswami R, Yang S, Zhang A, et al. Association between serum cortisol and chronic kidney disease in patients with essential hypertension. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2016;41(4):384–91.
Tsuda K, Nishio I, Masuyama Y. Bone Mineral Density in Women. 2001;704–7.
Mussolino ME, Gillum RF. Bone Mineral Density and Hypertension Prevalence in Postmenopausal Women: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Ann Epidemiol. 2006;16(5):395–9.
Ye Z, Lu H, Liu P. Association between essential hypertension and bone mineral density: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget. 2017;8(40):68916–27.
Masugata H, Senda S, Inukai M, Murao K, Hosomi N, Iwado Y, et al. Association between Bone Mineral Density and Arterial Stiffness in Hypertensive Patients. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2011;223(2):85–90.
Ilić K, Obradović N, Vujasinović-Stupar N. The relationship among hypertension, antihypertensive medications, and osteoporosis: A narrative review. Calcif Tissue Int. 2013;92(3):217–27.
Kosch M, Hausberg M, Barenbrock M, Posadzy-Malaczynska A, Rahn KH, Kisters K. Increased membraneous calcium concentrations in primary hypertension: a causal link to pathogenesis? J Hum Hypertens. 2001;15(1):37–40.
Hussein, Marwa., Fatah A. The Effect of Hypertension and Beta-Blocker Antihypertensive Drug on Bone Mineral Density Value At the Mandibular Cortex in Mental and Gonial Regions in Hounsfield Unite Using Computed Tomographic Study University of Baghdad - College of Dentistry Assist. 2016;1(38):33–47.
Odeniyi IA, Fasanmade OA, Ogbera AO, Ohwovoriole AE. Body mass index and its effect on serum cortisol level. Niger J Clin Pract. 2015;18(2):194–7.
Björntorp P, Rosmond R. Obesity and cortisol. Nutrition. 2000;16(10):924–36.
How to Cite
WULANSARI, Dwi Putri et al.
The value of Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) in hypertension patients on its correlation with serum calcium and cortisol level.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 44-47, aug. 2021.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Original Research Article

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