Dental age estimation methods in children based on radiograph panoramic
Objectives: Age estimation is a key point in forensics, archeology, pediatrics and pediatric dentistry. Analysis using the development of teeth is one of the available methods that are used for physical identification, as well as age, in children. This article reviewed several journals about the methods of age identification, especially in children. The purpose of this review was to briefly inform about the recent researches regarding the application of age identification methods in children by using panoramic radiography as it is the most widely used method, in the years 2020-2021.Review: This article was a narrative review. Analyzed articles were searched from the PubMed database which were published between 2020 until 2021. There were 12 journals in accordance with the inclusion criteria of age estimation method in children using panoramic radiography.
Conclusion: 7 of 12 journals that met the inclusion criteria used Willems method in the researches, 5 journals used Demirjian method, 3 journals used Cameriere method, 2 journals used Nolla method. Willems method was the most used analysis for identifying age and proved to be effective for identification in various populations, such as Belgium, Caucasian, Turkish, Saudi Arabian, Kenyan, Chinese and Taiwanese.
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Sahelangi P, Novita M. Role of dentists in Indonesian disaster victim identification operations: religious and cultural aspects. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2012;30 Suppl 1:60–71.
Putri AS, Nehemia B, Soedarsono N. Prakiraan usia individu melalui pemeriksaan gigi untuk kepentingan forensik kedokteran gigi (Age estimation through dental examination in forensic denstistry). Jurnal PDGI. 2013;62(3):55–63.
Pan J, Shen C, Yang Z, Fan L, Wang M, Shen S, et al. A modified dental age assessment method for 5- to 16-year-old eastern Chinese children. Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(6):3463–74.
Paz Cortés MM, Rojo R, Alía García E, Mourelle Martínez MR. Accuracy assessment of dental age estimation with the Willems, Demirjian and Nolla methods in Spanish children: Comparative cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatr. 2020;20(1):1–9.
David TJ, Lewis J. Forensic Odontology Principles and Practice. United Kingdom: Academic Press; 2018. p.145–8.
Lewis J, Senn D. Dental Age Estimation. Manual of Forensic Odontology, Fifth Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; 2013. p.211–56.
Jayaraman J, Roberts GJ, Wong HM, King NM. Dental age estimation in southern Chinese population using panoramic radiographs: validation of three population specific reference datasets. BMC Med Imaging. 2018;18:5.
AlQahtani S. Dental Age Assessment. In: Adams C, Carabott R, Evans S, editors. Forensic Odontology An Essential Guide. First Edit. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2014. p.137–51.
Alqerban A, Alrashed M, Alaskar Z, Alqahtani K. Age estimation based on Willems method versus country specific model in Saudi Arabia children and adolescents. BMC Oral Health [Internet]. 2021;21:341.
Wang J, Wang M, Shen S, Guo Y, Fan L, Ji F, et al. Testing the nonlinear equations for dental age evaluation in a population of eastern China. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2021;48:101793.
Do Nascimento LG, Tinoco RLR, Protasio APL, Ribeiro ILA, Santiago BM, Cameriere R. Age estimation in north east Brazilians by measurement of open apices. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(2):2–11.
Koç A, Özlek E, Öner Talmaç AG. Accuracy of the London atlas, Willems, and Nolla methods for dental age estimation: a cross-sectional study on Eastern Turkish children. Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(8):4833–40.
Karimi A, Qudeimat MA, Lucas VS, Roberts G. Dental age estimation: Development and validation of a reference data set for Kuwaiti children, adolescents, and young adults. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;127:105130.
Rezende Machado AL, Borges BS, Cameriere R, Palhares Machado CE, Alves da Silva RE. Evaluation of Cameriere and Willems age estimation methods in panoramic radiographs of Brazilian children. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;3(38):8–15.
Han MQ, Jia SX, Wang CX, Chu G, Chen T, Zhou H, et al. Accuracy of the Demirjian, Willems and Nolla methods for dental age estimation in a northern Chinese population. Arch Oral Biol. 2020;118:104875.
Yassin SM, M AlAlmai BA, Ali Huaylah SH, Althobati MK, A AlHamdi FM, Togoo RA. Accuracy of Estimating Chronological Age from Nolla’s Method of Dental Age Estimation in a Population of Southern Saudi Arabian Children. Niger J Clin Pract. 2020;23(12):1753–8.
Shen C, Pan J, Yang Z, Mou H, Tao J, Ji F. Applicability of 2 Dental Age Estimation Methods to Taiwanese Population. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2020;41(4):269–75.
Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M, Kihara E, Thevissen P, Nyamunga D, Fieuws S, Kanini M, et al. Validating dental age estimation in Kenyan black children and adolescents using the Willems method. Med Sci Law. 2021;61(3):180–5.
Sharma P, Wadhwan V. Comparison of accuracy of age estimation in Indian children by measurement of open apices in teeth with the London Atlas of tooth development. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(1):39–47.
Alqahtani SJ, Hector MP, Liversidge HM. Brief Communication : The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption. 2010;490:481–90.
Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner JM. Demirjian, A., A NEW SYSTEM OF DENTAL AGE ASSESSMENT , Human Biology, 45:2 (1973:May) p.211. Hum Biol. 1973;45(2):211–27.
Willems G, Ph D, Olmen A Van, Spiessens B, Carels C, G RW, et al. Dental Age Estimation in Belgian Children : Demirjian’s Technique Revisited*. 2001;(August 2000):893–5.
Nolla C. The Development of Permanent Teeth. J Dent Child. 1960;27:254–66.
Cameriere R, Ferrante L, Cingolani M. Age estimation in children by measurement of open apices in teeth. Int J Legal Med. 2006;120(1):49–52.
Memorando JR. Evaluation of mandibular third molar for age estimation of filipino population age 9 – 23 years. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(1):26–33.
Rai B, Kaur J. Evidence-Based Forensic Dentistry. Springer Heidelbegr New York Dordecht London: Springer; 2013. p.35–40.
Liversidge HM. The assessment and interpretation of Demirjian, Goldstein and Tanner’s dental maturity. Ann Hum Biol. 2012;39(5):412–31.
Harris EF, Mincer HH, Anderson KM, Senn DR. Age Estimation from Oral and Dental Strustures. Senn DR, Stimson PG, editors. Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; 2010. p.263–296.
Sahelangi P, Novita M. Role of dentists in Indonesian disaster victim identification operations: religious and cultural aspects. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2012;30 Suppl 1:60–71.
Putri AS, Nehemia B, Soedarsono N. Prakiraan usia individu melalui pemeriksaan gigi untuk kepentingan forensik kedokteran gigi (Age estimation through dental examination in forensic denstistry). Jurnal PDGI. 2013;62(3):55–63.
Pan J, Shen C, Yang Z, Fan L, Wang M, Shen S, et al. A modified dental age assessment method for 5- to 16-year-old eastern Chinese children. Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(6):3463–74.
Paz Cortés MM, Rojo R, Alía García E, Mourelle Martínez MR. Accuracy assessment of dental age estimation with the Willems, Demirjian and Nolla methods in Spanish children: Comparative cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatr. 2020;20(1):1–9.
David TJ, Lewis J. Forensic Odontology Principles and Practice. United Kingdom: Academic Press; 2018. p.145–8.
Lewis J, Senn D. Dental Age Estimation. Manual of Forensic Odontology, Fifth Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; 2013. p.211–56.
Jayaraman J, Roberts GJ, Wong HM, King NM. Dental age estimation in southern Chinese population using panoramic radiographs: validation of three population specific reference datasets. BMC Med Imaging. 2018;18:5.
AlQahtani S. Dental Age Assessment. In: Adams C, Carabott R, Evans S, editors. Forensic Odontology An Essential Guide. First Edit. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2014. p.137–51.
Alqerban A, Alrashed M, Alaskar Z, Alqahtani K. Age estimation based on Willems method versus country specific model in Saudi Arabia children and adolescents. BMC Oral Health [Internet]. 2021;21:341.
Wang J, Wang M, Shen S, Guo Y, Fan L, Ji F, et al. Testing the nonlinear equations for dental age evaluation in a population of eastern China. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2021;48:101793.
Do Nascimento LG, Tinoco RLR, Protasio APL, Ribeiro ILA, Santiago BM, Cameriere R. Age estimation in north east Brazilians by measurement of open apices. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(2):2–11.
Koç A, Özlek E, Öner Talmaç AG. Accuracy of the London atlas, Willems, and Nolla methods for dental age estimation: a cross-sectional study on Eastern Turkish children. Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(8):4833–40.
Karimi A, Qudeimat MA, Lucas VS, Roberts G. Dental age estimation: Development and validation of a reference data set for Kuwaiti children, adolescents, and young adults. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;127:105130.
Rezende Machado AL, Borges BS, Cameriere R, Palhares Machado CE, Alves da Silva RE. Evaluation of Cameriere and Willems age estimation methods in panoramic radiographs of Brazilian children. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;3(38):8–15.
Han MQ, Jia SX, Wang CX, Chu G, Chen T, Zhou H, et al. Accuracy of the Demirjian, Willems and Nolla methods for dental age estimation in a northern Chinese population. Arch Oral Biol. 2020;118:104875.
Yassin SM, M AlAlmai BA, Ali Huaylah SH, Althobati MK, A AlHamdi FM, Togoo RA. Accuracy of Estimating Chronological Age from Nolla’s Method of Dental Age Estimation in a Population of Southern Saudi Arabian Children. Niger J Clin Pract. 2020;23(12):1753–8.
Shen C, Pan J, Yang Z, Mou H, Tao J, Ji F. Applicability of 2 Dental Age Estimation Methods to Taiwanese Population. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2020;41(4):269–75.
Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M, Kihara E, Thevissen P, Nyamunga D, Fieuws S, Kanini M, et al. Validating dental age estimation in Kenyan black children and adolescents using the Willems method. Med Sci Law. 2021;61(3):180–5.
Sharma P, Wadhwan V. Comparison of accuracy of age estimation in Indian children by measurement of open apices in teeth with the London Atlas of tooth development. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(1):39–47.
Alqahtani SJ, Hector MP, Liversidge HM. Brief Communication : The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption. 2010;490:481–90.
Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner JM. Demirjian, A., A NEW SYSTEM OF DENTAL AGE ASSESSMENT , Human Biology, 45:2 (1973:May) p.211. Hum Biol. 1973;45(2):211–27.
Willems G, Ph D, Olmen A Van, Spiessens B, Carels C, G RW, et al. Dental Age Estimation in Belgian Children : Demirjian’s Technique Revisited*. 2001;(August 2000):893–5.
Nolla C. The Development of Permanent Teeth. J Dent Child. 1960;27:254–66.
Cameriere R, Ferrante L, Cingolani M. Age estimation in children by measurement of open apices in teeth. Int J Legal Med. 2006;120(1):49–52.
Memorando JR. Evaluation of mandibular third molar for age estimation of filipino population age 9 – 23 years. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2020;38(1):26–33.
Rai B, Kaur J. Evidence-Based Forensic Dentistry. Springer Heidelbegr New York Dordecht London: Springer; 2013. p.35–40.
Liversidge HM. The assessment and interpretation of Demirjian, Goldstein and Tanner’s dental maturity. Ann Hum Biol. 2012;39(5):412–31.
Harris EF, Mincer HH, Anderson KM, Senn DR. Age Estimation from Oral and Dental Strustures. Senn DR, Stimson PG, editors. Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; 2010. p.263–296.
How to Cite
AGITHA, Shintya Rizki Ayu; ANNARISWATI, Icha Artyas.
Dental age estimation methods in children based on radiograph panoramic.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 90-99, aug. 2021.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.
Review Article

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