Comparative analysis of impacted maxillary canine and dentigerous cyst diagnosis using panoramic and CBCT imaging
Objectives: This report is aimed to compare diagnostic accuracy of impacted maxillary canine and dentigerous cyst in determining its dimension and position using panoramic and CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) imaging.Case Report: A 30-year-old woman was referred to Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology with the suspect of upper right impacted canine. She had chief complaint of swelling pain in the palate for ± 3 months. Panoramic showed 13 impacted superiorly to the maxillary sinus and surrounding with a radiolucent lesion attached on cementoenamel junction. However, panoramic has limitations in assessing the labio-palatal position of impacted canine and lesion extension. CBCT revealed the tooth located closer to palate and no sign of direct contact with sinus. The radiolucent lesion has destructed anteroposterior aspect of cortical plate which explain the reason of swelling and pain.
Conclusion: Precise dimension and position are important to avoid mistakes since impacted maxillary canine accompanied with dentigerous cyst required invasive management. In our case, panoramic and CBCT contributed to guide the diagnosis and help the referrer determining the exact site of surgery.
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Yamamoto G, Ohta Y, Tsuda Y, Tanaka A, Nishikawa M, Inoda H. A New Classification of Impacted Canines and Second Premolars Using Orthopantomography. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003;15(1):31–7.
Jiménez-Silva A, Carnevali-Arellano R, Vivanco-Coke S, Tobar-Reyes J, Araya-Díaz P, Palomino-Montenegro H. Prediction methods of maxillary canine impaction: a systematic review. Acta Odontol Scand. 2021;0(0):1–14.
Margot R, Maria CDL-P, Ali A, Annouschka L, Anna V, Guy W. Prediction of maxillary canine impaction based on panoramic radiographs. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020 Feb;6(1):44–50.
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Alassiry A. Radiographic assessment of the prevalence, pattern and position of maxillary canine impaction in Najran (Saudi Arabia) population using orthopantomograms – A cross-sectional, retrospective study. Saudi Dent J. 2020;32(3):155–9.
Migliorati M, Cevidanes L, Sinfonico G, Drago S, Dalessandri D, Isola G, et al. Three dimensional movement analysis of maxillary impacted canine using TADs: a pilot study. Head Face Med. 2021;17(1):1–10.
Chen J, Lv D, Li MX, Zhao W, He Y. The correlation between the three-dimensional radiolucency area around the crown of impacted maxillary canines and dentigerous cysts. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 2020;49(4):20190402.
Dhusia AH, Das A, Lahane A, Dalvi A, Jagdale H, Shah P. Maxillary Dentigerous Cyst: A Case Report and Brief Review of Literature. Quest Journals J Med Dent Sci Res. 2021;8(February):15–26.
Berberi A, Aoun G, Hjeij B, AboulHosn M, Alassaad H, Azar E. Bilateral ectopic third molar in the maxillary sinuses associated with dentigerous cyst: a case report. Med Pharm Reports. 2021;3–6.
Jung YH, Liang H, Benson BW, Flint DJ, Cho BH. The assessment of impacted maxillary canine position with panoramic radiography and cone beam CT. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 2012;41(5):355–60.
Alhummayani F, Mustafa Z. A new guide using CBCT to identify the severity of maxillary canine impaction and predict the best method of intervention. J Orthod Sci. 2021;10:3.
Sosars P, Jakobsone G, Neimane L, Mukans M. Comparative analysis of panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography in treatment planning of palatally displaced canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2020;157(5):719–27.
Andresen AKH, Jonsson M V., Sulo G, Thelen DS, Shi X-Q. Radiographic features in 2D imaging as predictors for justified CBCT examinations of canine-induced root resorption. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 2021;20210165.
Ericson S, Kurol J. Early treatment of palatally erupting maxillary canines by extraction of the primary canines. Eur J Orthod. 1988 Nov;10(4):283–95.
Becker A. Radiographic Methods Related to the Diagnosis of Impacted Teeth. In book: Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth. 2012. p.10–28.
William R. Proffit, Henry W. Fields Jr, Brent Larson DMS. Contemporary orthodontics, sixth edition. Br Dent J. 2019 Jun;226(11):828–828.
Yamamoto G, Ohta Y, Tsuda Y, Tanaka A, Nishikawa M, Inoda H. A New Classification of Impacted Canines and Second Premolars Using Orthopantomography. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003;15(1):31–7.
Jiménez-Silva A, Carnevali-Arellano R, Vivanco-Coke S, Tobar-Reyes J, Araya-Díaz P, Palomino-Montenegro H. Prediction methods of maxillary canine impaction: a systematic review. Acta Odontol Scand. 2021;0(0):1–14.
Margot R, Maria CDL-P, Ali A, Annouschka L, Anna V, Guy W. Prediction of maxillary canine impaction based on panoramic radiographs. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020 Feb;6(1):44–50.
Raghib MA, El N, Gomaa S, El MI. Localization of Impacted Maxillary Canine using Different Radiographic Methods. 2020;19(2):45–54.
Ridgway E. Dental panoramic radiograph position and preparation errors for mixed dentition patients. Thesis. Vancouver: The University of British Columbia; 2021.
How to Cite
MUCHLIS, Muhammad Rakhmat Ersyad et al.
Comparative analysis of impacted maxillary canine and dentigerous cyst diagnosis using panoramic and CBCT imaging.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 27-30, apr. 2022.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Case Report

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