Risk detection of osteoporosis with panoramic radiograph using mental index in 30-60 years old patients (an overview in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin)
Objectives: This research is aimed to determine the detection of osteoporosis risk with a panoramic radiograph using mental index in 30-60 years old patients in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin.Materials and Methods: This research is using descriptive study with a cross-sectional study design. This research sample using secondary data from 30-60 years old patients who took panoramic radiographs in Radiology Installation of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin from January 2018 – December 2021.
Results: The result showed that the age group at risk of osteoporosis was the age group 56-60 years old (right jaw 3.44 ± 0.70 and left jaw 3.33 ± 0.32), gender at risk of osteoporosis is men (right jaw 3.44 ± 0.52 and left jaw 3.37 ± 0.44) and the mean value of the mandibular cortex width in the group at risk for osteoporosis was 2.91 ± 0.21.
Conclusion: The age group at risk of osteoporosis is the age of 56-60 years old and the gender at risk of osteoporosis is men. Mental index can be used as a tool for measuring the mandibular cortex width on panoramic radiographs to diagnose the risk of osteoporosis.
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Putra EP, Sarianoferni S, Wahjuningsih E. Perbandingan Hasil Penilaian Ketebalan Korteks Dengan Menggunakan Mental Index Pada Pasien Wanita Berdasarkan Kelompok Umur 30-70 Tahun Di RSGM FKG UHT. Denta. 2015;9(2):189.
Rasad S. Radiologi Diagnostik. Edisi 2. Jakarta: FK UI; 2018. 1–625 p.
Chayaningsih MN, Saraswati LD, Yuliawati S, Wuryanto MA. Gambaran Densitas Mineral Tulang (DMT) pada Kelompok Dewasa Awal (19-25 Tahun) (Studi di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro) Mega. J Kesehat Masy. 2017;5(4):424–30.
Clifford J. Rosen M. The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis. NCBI. South Dartmouth; 2020.
Balto KA, Gomaa MM, Feteih RM, Alamoudi NM, Elsamanoudy AZ, Hassanien MA, Dental Panoramic Radiographic Indices as a Predictor of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Saudi Women. J Bone Metab. 2018;25(3):165.
Yalcin ED, Avcu N, Uysal S, Arslan U. Evaluation of Radiomorphometric Indices and Bone Findings on Panoramic Images in Patients with Scleroderma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2019;127(1):e23–30.
Sghaireen MG, Alam MK, Patil SR, Rahman SA, Alhabib S, Lynch CD, Morphometric Analysis of Panoramic Mandibular Index, Mental Index, and Antegonial Index. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(3).
Govindraju P, Chandra P. “Radiomorphometric indices of the mandible - An indicator of osteoporosis.” J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2014;8(3):195–8.
Ledgerton D, Horner K, Devlin H, Worthington H. Panoramic Mandibular Index as A Radiomorphometric Tool: An Assessment of Precision. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 1997;26(2).
Insani WH, Nurhasanah, Sampurno J. Aplikasi Geometri Fraktal untuk Identifikasi Osteoporosis pada Tulang Tangan dengan Metode Analisis Fourier 2D. Prism Fis. 2018;6(1):62–4.
Tounta TS. Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in Dental Patients. J Frailty, Sarcopenia Falls. 2017;02(02):21–7.
Azhari A. the Analysis of Mandibular Trabeculae Alveolar Process on Post-Menopausal Women Through Panoramic Radiograph. Dentika Dent J. 2017;20(2):52–6.
Nagi R, Kantraj YDB, Nagaraju R, Reddy SS. Risk Factors, Quality of Life, and Oral Implications of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2016;28(3):274–80.
Fikri M, Azhari A, Epsilawati L. Gambaran Kualitas Tulang pada Wanita berdasarkan Kelompok Usia Melalui Radiografi Panoramik. J Radiol Dentomaksilofasial Indones. 2020;4(2):5.
Kenkre JS, Bassett JHD. The Bone Remodelling Cycle. Ann Clin Biochem. 2018;55(3):308–27.
Audina M. Suplementasi Kalsium Dan Vitamin D Pada Wanita Usia Subur Sebagai Pencegahan Osteoporosis Postmenopause. J Kedokt Ibnu Nafis. 2019;8(2):35–40.
Sairam V, Potturi GR, Praveen B, Vikas G. Assessment of Effect of Age, Gender, and Dentoalveolar Changes on Mandibular Morphology: A Digital Panoramic Study. Contemp Clin Dent. 2018;9(1):49–54.
Schneider S, Gandhi V, Upadhyay M, Allareddy V, Tadinada A, Yadav S. Sex-, Growth Pattern-, and Growth Status-related Variability in Maxillary and Mandibular Buccal Cortical Thickness and Density. Korean J Orthod. 2020;50(2):108–19.
Jonasson G, Hassani-Nejad A, Hakeberg M. Mandibular Cortical Bone Structure as Risk Indicator in Fractured and Non-Fractured 80-Year-Old Men and Women. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):1–8.
Mokhtar M. Dasar-dasar Ortodonti Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Kraniodentofasial. Medan: Bina Insani Pustaka; 2002. 85–92 p.
Martinis DM, Sirufo MM, Polsinelli M, Placidi G, Di Silvestre D, Ginaldi L. Gender Differences in Osteoporosis: A Single-Center Observational Study. World J Mens Health. 2021;39(4):750–9.
Verinda S, Herwana E. Asupan Kafein dari Kopi dan Teh serta Hubungannya dengan Kepadatan Tulang pada Perempuan Pascamenopause. J Biomedika dan Kesehat. 2020;3(2):70–6.
Humaryanto H, Syauqy A. Gambaran Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Densitas Massa Tulang sebagai Faktor Risiko Osteoporosis pada Wanita. J Kedokt Brawijaya. 2019;30(3):218.
26. Ebeling PR, Nguyen HH, Aleksova J, Vincent AJ, Wong P, Milat F. Secondary Osteoporosis. Endocr Rev. 2022;43(2):240–313.
Rizzoli R. Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Assessment and Management. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;32(5):1–36.
Baumann L, Kauschke V, Vikman A, Dürselen L, Krasteva-Christ G, Kampschulte M, Deletion of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha9 in Mice Resulted in Altered Bone Structure. Bone. 2019;120(1):285–96.
Rinonapoli G, Ruggiero C, Meccariello L, Bisaccia M, Ceccarini P, Caraffa A. Osteoporosis in Men: A Review of an Underestimated Bone Condition. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(4):1–22.
Nagi R, Yashoda Devi BK, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, Santana N, Shetty N. Relationship between Femur Bone Mineral Density, Body Mass Index and Dental Panoramic Mandibular Cortical Width in Diagnosis of Elderly Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2014;8(8):36–41.
Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Situasi Osteoporosis di Indonesia. InfoDATIN; 2020. p. 1–9.
Putra EP, Sarianoferni S, Wahjuningsih E. Perbandingan Hasil Penilaian Ketebalan Korteks Dengan Menggunakan Mental Index Pada Pasien Wanita Berdasarkan Kelompok Umur 30-70 Tahun Di RSGM FKG UHT. Denta. 2015;9(2):189.
Rasad S. Radiologi Diagnostik. Edisi 2. Jakarta: FK UI; 2018. 1–625 p.
Chayaningsih MN, Saraswati LD, Yuliawati S, Wuryanto MA. Gambaran Densitas Mineral Tulang (DMT) pada Kelompok Dewasa Awal (19-25 Tahun) (Studi di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro) Mega. J Kesehat Masy. 2017;5(4):424–30.
Clifford J. Rosen M. The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis. NCBI. South Dartmouth; 2020.
Balto KA, Gomaa MM, Feteih RM, Alamoudi NM, Elsamanoudy AZ, Hassanien MA, Dental Panoramic Radiographic Indices as a Predictor of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Saudi Women. J Bone Metab. 2018;25(3):165.
Yalcin ED, Avcu N, Uysal S, Arslan U. Evaluation of Radiomorphometric Indices and Bone Findings on Panoramic Images in Patients with Scleroderma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2019;127(1):e23–30.
Sghaireen MG, Alam MK, Patil SR, Rahman SA, Alhabib S, Lynch CD, Morphometric Analysis of Panoramic Mandibular Index, Mental Index, and Antegonial Index. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(3).
Govindraju P, Chandra P. “Radiomorphometric indices of the mandible - An indicator of osteoporosis.” J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2014;8(3):195–8.
Ledgerton D, Horner K, Devlin H, Worthington H. Panoramic Mandibular Index as A Radiomorphometric Tool: An Assessment of Precision. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 1997;26(2).
Insani WH, Nurhasanah, Sampurno J. Aplikasi Geometri Fraktal untuk Identifikasi Osteoporosis pada Tulang Tangan dengan Metode Analisis Fourier 2D. Prism Fis. 2018;6(1):62–4.
Tounta TS. Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in Dental Patients. J Frailty, Sarcopenia Falls. 2017;02(02):21–7.
Azhari A. the Analysis of Mandibular Trabeculae Alveolar Process on Post-Menopausal Women Through Panoramic Radiograph. Dentika Dent J. 2017;20(2):52–6.
Nagi R, Kantraj YDB, Nagaraju R, Reddy SS. Risk Factors, Quality of Life, and Oral Implications of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2016;28(3):274–80.
Fikri M, Azhari A, Epsilawati L. Gambaran Kualitas Tulang pada Wanita berdasarkan Kelompok Usia Melalui Radiografi Panoramik. J Radiol Dentomaksilofasial Indones. 2020;4(2):5.
Kenkre JS, Bassett JHD. The Bone Remodelling Cycle. Ann Clin Biochem. 2018;55(3):308–27.
Audina M. Suplementasi Kalsium Dan Vitamin D Pada Wanita Usia Subur Sebagai Pencegahan Osteoporosis Postmenopause. J Kedokt Ibnu Nafis. 2019;8(2):35–40.
Sairam V, Potturi GR, Praveen B, Vikas G. Assessment of Effect of Age, Gender, and Dentoalveolar Changes on Mandibular Morphology: A Digital Panoramic Study. Contemp Clin Dent. 2018;9(1):49–54.
Schneider S, Gandhi V, Upadhyay M, Allareddy V, Tadinada A, Yadav S. Sex-, Growth Pattern-, and Growth Status-related Variability in Maxillary and Mandibular Buccal Cortical Thickness and Density. Korean J Orthod. 2020;50(2):108–19.
Jonasson G, Hassani-Nejad A, Hakeberg M. Mandibular Cortical Bone Structure as Risk Indicator in Fractured and Non-Fractured 80-Year-Old Men and Women. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):1–8.
Mokhtar M. Dasar-dasar Ortodonti Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Kraniodentofasial. Medan: Bina Insani Pustaka; 2002. 85–92 p.
Martinis DM, Sirufo MM, Polsinelli M, Placidi G, Di Silvestre D, Ginaldi L. Gender Differences in Osteoporosis: A Single-Center Observational Study. World J Mens Health. 2021;39(4):750–9.
Verinda S, Herwana E. Asupan Kafein dari Kopi dan Teh serta Hubungannya dengan Kepadatan Tulang pada Perempuan Pascamenopause. J Biomedika dan Kesehat. 2020;3(2):70–6.
Humaryanto H, Syauqy A. Gambaran Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Densitas Massa Tulang sebagai Faktor Risiko Osteoporosis pada Wanita. J Kedokt Brawijaya. 2019;30(3):218.
26. Ebeling PR, Nguyen HH, Aleksova J, Vincent AJ, Wong P, Milat F. Secondary Osteoporosis. Endocr Rev. 2022;43(2):240–313.
Rizzoli R. Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Assessment and Management. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;32(5):1–36.
Baumann L, Kauschke V, Vikman A, Dürselen L, Krasteva-Christ G, Kampschulte M, Deletion of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha9 in Mice Resulted in Altered Bone Structure. Bone. 2019;120(1):285–96.
Rinonapoli G, Ruggiero C, Meccariello L, Bisaccia M, Ceccarini P, Caraffa A. Osteoporosis in Men: A Review of an Underestimated Bone Condition. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(4):1–22.
Nagi R, Yashoda Devi BK, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, Santana N, Shetty N. Relationship between Femur Bone Mineral Density, Body Mass Index and Dental Panoramic Mandibular Cortical Width in Diagnosis of Elderly Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2014;8(8):36–41.
How to Cite
Risk detection of osteoporosis with panoramic radiograph using mental index in 30-60 years old patients (an overview in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin).
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 59-64, aug. 2022.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <http://jurnal.pdgi.or.id/index.php/jrdi/article/view/899>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
doi: https://doi.org/10.32793/jrdi.v6i2.899.
Original Research Article

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